Ver Date Most important change --------------------------------- 1.7 13Oct97 Print on 3c fix now prints correctly on 3c with "parallel" printer added IrDA printing fixed position loss bug with "sum up all" accounts (thanks to Christian Bormann) fixed global amount bug with foreign accounts added Jochen Siegenthaler's Setup program to archive 1.6 16Apr97 More accounts max 12 accounts now (instead of 6) per group added currency converter reconcile upto bug ate and ate memory, now definitively fixed! when switching away with account balance on screen and swithed back while asking for passwd, it still displayed some data on screen trying to delete a not found counter-part account in transfers crashed when user had max allowed accounts (thanks to David Birtles!) show passwd in dialog of non-regd versions subscript or dim err while checking a SO when the account didn't exist anymore fixed concatenated account name, opening amount, currency and date into one dialog 30 chars in categories (not needed in transfers, so were removed in transfers) ASCII export with no category works ok now changed Home and End to go to first and last accounts respectively removed word "group" from group submenu choices Sum up now possible over all accounts bug when making a new group from system screen now fixed archive "from" date set to 1/1/1990 changed max cache size from 10k to 20k added shift/enter for reconcile QIF export uses date separator from Time app now 1.5 01Nov96 Minor bug fix version fixed transfer position loss fixed global amount position loss more robust with memory problems when reconciling upto when reverting to "no monthly interests", you don't have to put 0 into interests anymore for it to work nagging much reduced added ctrl-psion-d hotkey 1.4 16Oct96 Bug fix version fixed language recognition bug quicken transfer exports restricted to originating accounts (ie, only "Transfer to...") to avoid double imports out of memory problems sent DPBank into an indefinite loop balance not updated with transaction date changed US file had no print option modyfing some SOs gave a "File not open" error and aborted auto descriptions were cleared when making new group editing a transfer lost transaction position could not start DPBank from a system group shareware days used counter now works when reconciling foreign amount screen is now redrawn summup now changes balances for all transactions added "shading" of non-active account names on tabs german translation of program and docs by Karsten Weisbauer 1.3 23Jul96 Printing & Categories added categories with optional display added number of transactions in balance window removed auto descriptions dialog on first start added dialog to tell user what to do next on startup rounded calculated interests to 2 decimal places added printing to serial, parallel and file added sum up on category and view option only 1.2 24Jun96 Export added able to evaluate transaction amount (ie: enter 100+23+45) auto descriptions and currencies default to "add" archive now resets balance correctly archive defaults to "Reconciled only" instead of "All" fixed reconciled amounts to 2 decimals export (ASCII, Quicken and Psion DATA) available reconcile short cut changed to Psion-r sum up amounts with same description added "Register now" option on start screen diamond key switches between future and today display copy/Insert(paste) transaction (NOT for transfers) unable to Psion-ESCape because of possible file corruption norwegian translation of program by Espen Joranger 1.1 25Mar96 First shareware version amounts of 0 allowed negative opening balance allowed transfers with cheques allowed descriptions allowed with transfers edit transfer & counter-part also counter part not deleted anymore if already reconciled show "F" at right side if amount is in foreign currency ddmmyy/yymmdd/mmddyy choice from Time application settings date separator from Time application settings automatic curr choice from System preferences use triad separation from System preferences (for big amounts only) bigger amounts (999'999'999'999.99) allowed organized into account groups with distinctive names instead of only "Accounts" file 6 accounts available per group use any drive for accounts group password protection when starting and/or switching to only 10 currencies now (20 before) but upto 8 chars each now (5 before) detailed balances (debit - credit) of following transactions: reconciled not reconciled total crossed-out (not yet implemented) Gd total changed +/- in SOs to cursor left / right "Global" tab out-->"Global" amount only Archive with options of which transactions warning on account user defined minimum limit + bold balance if below uses " [Cheque" instead of " (Cheque", so it will not hold correct cheque number when editing an old file automatic monthly interests optional help system optional cache memory available for speeding up display put automatic amount into reconcile Foreign amts added 3rd transaction type "Balance adjustement" took out limit on date (for first transaction) french translation of program & doc by Arnaud Weil 1.0 04Dec95 First public release