The DPBank Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) I've been getting the same questions, so I thought it would be a good idea to make a file recapitulating common questions so that I don't have to answer each one of you each time ;-) Here goes: Q)Does DPBank track credit card accounts? A)Yes, it can do it. There is no special "bank/credit card" account info. You would handle your credit card accounts the same way as a normal account. Of course, you need to put your transactions as "debits" instead of credits. This way you can also see your real total net worth. The only problem that could arise is when you transfer back to Quicken, as the account will be marked as "bank", but this shouldn't interfere with Quicken if you've already set up your accounts on it. Q)Does DPBank handle "Switch card" accounts (in the UK)? A)Basically, a "Switch card" is only a direct debit card. If you want to track your Switch account seperately, then set up a new account and make the necessary transfer whenever the statement comes. I usually keep those transactions in the same account as where the money comes from, it's much easier. If you need to classify your expenditures, use categories. Q)Why do I suddenly get a "subscript or dimension error" when I start DPBank? A)Have you recently changed the decimal separator from "dot" to "comma" (or the other way around)? If so, then you either have to set it back to what it was, or re-enter your data. This is a problem with the Psion, not DPBank (when it evaluates numbers). Q)My data is out of order, what can I do? A)Up to version 1.5 it could happen that if you were really short on memory, DPBank would "hang" in the middle of "reconcile upto" operation. This would result in a wrongly ordered data file. You can fix this yourself by using either JBData or JBSort to sort the database file (*.d*) on the FIRST field (the date in YYYYMMDD format). Q)Can I use JBData to open the data files? A)If you really must, yes. But please be extra careful with what you do with the file! One wrong manipulation and you could find yourself with corrupt data :-( Be sure to back up in any case first! Q)Why can't I open the data file with the standard "Data" application? A)The data files contain fields different from strings. Data cannot work with such database files. Q)Will the program continue to work after the 30 day limit without being registered? A)Should I really answer that??? Well, basically, yes, but be prepared for some surprise! If you like the program, please register it. Q)Why does DPBank get so slow when I have 50+ transactions in one account? A)Basically, DPBank keeps the transactions in order on the disk and not in memory (that's why it takes up so little memory). Because of the way Psion have implemented the database file format, you cannot update a transaction (record) "in place". Instead, each time you update a record, the Psion will erase the current one and append the updated record to the end of the file. Since DPBank needs to have the transactions in order, it needs to reorder the file manually. This takes quite some time unfortunately :-( Note: this is only valid for transactions in one account. You can of course have one account with very few transactions (while another has maybe 100 or more transactions) and with that one, DPBank will work very quickly.