DataView ======== The Psion Series 3/3a program DATAVIEW.APP included in this ZIP is a demonstration only version of a commercially available application of the same name. The demonstration only version restricts the user to viewing the first 30 records of a database file. The label printing and mail merge options limit the user to 5 records at a time. Other than that and the "Demo Version" dialogs that will appear this is the same as the commercially available product. This application will run on the Psion Series 3 (256K), 3a and Pocketbooks. It does NOT run on the Series 3 emulator however it will run on the Series 3a emulator. The product, as the name suggests, is designed to allow flexible views of data records from a database created by the Data application. To that end, it will not change the actual database file unless you explicitly tell it to do so. For example, if you sort a set of records, only the in memory order will change, the file order will not change. If you require a sorted file you would save the sorted records to file yourself. The official release date is 8th February 1995. It will be available from quality Psion dealers or direct from us. In the UK the price is œ59.95. John Holloway Purple Software