Archive-name: psion-faq/part1 Version: $VER: Psion FAQ v2.6 (Jun 1997) Posting-Frequency: monthly URL: PSION SERIES 3/3a FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) Original author: Chris Wesley Actual author & maintainer: Daniel Pfund Jun97 - v2.6 Welcome to the FAQ for the comp.sys.psion.* Usenet hierarchy. Find the contents table below. Questions and constructive comments are welcome. Send them to me at: IMPORTANT NOTE: this article does not contain any software infos on the Series 3c or the Siena. I will NOT include specific informations concerning these new machines (except hardware stuff). Maybe there will be a Series3c/Siena FAQ written by someone else in the future? _________________________________________________________________ -CHANGE-Indicates a change since last version - NEW! -Indicates an addition since last version _________________________________________________________________ Contents part 1 I. DISCLAIMER II. CREDITS III. COPYRIGHT IV. FAQ UPDATES V. WHERE CAN I GET THIS FAQ? VI. NEWSGROUP NETIQUETTE 1. INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION 1.1 What is the Psion Series 3/3a? 1.2 Which model should I buy? -CHANGE-1.3 When will the "new" Psion come out? -CHANGE-1.4 What other machines does Psion make? 1.5 What other palmtop alternatives are there? part 2 - NEW! -1.6 Where can I purchase a Psion? 1.7 How can I contact Psion? 2. HARDWARE 2.1 Hardware specifications 2.2 What batteries does the Psion use? 2.3 How long do the batteries last? 2.4 How does the Psion measure the battery usage? 2.5 How can I make my batteries last longer? 2.6 Can I use an external power supply? 2.7 Can I upgrade my Solid State Disk (SSD)? 2.8 Can I upgrade my internal RAM? 2.9 Can I change the keyboard? 2.10 Can I use a big (normal) keyboard? 2.11 How can I build a serial link? 2.12 How can I build a parallel link? 2.13 What is this "soap on a rope" thing? 2.14 How do I print with my Psion? 2.15 Can I take my Psion through an X-Ray machine? 2.16 Can my Psion wipe out magnetic data? 3. SOFTWARE 3.1 How do I reset my Psion? 3.2 What is killing a process? 3.3 How can I save what's on the screen? 3.4 What is the soak test? 3.5 How can I find a text in my memos with Agenda? 3.6 How can I make the cursor bigger? 3.7 How can I take out the "hum" when I record sounds? 3.8 How safe is password protection? 3.9 How can I change the icon of a program? part 3 3.10 How can I permanently change the distance units in World? 3.11 Why do some programs crash with an "Invalid arguments" error? 3.12 Why is my Psion not switching itself off automatically anymore? 3.13 How can I change the fonts in the system applications? 3.14 Is Perl ported to the Psion? 3.15 How do I undelete a file if I've accidentaly deleted it? 3.16 How can I synchronize my desktop agenda with my Psion's? 4. TIPS & TRICKS FOR GENERAL USE 4.1 Known hardware problems & solutions 4.2 Known software problems & solutions 4.3 Other official Psion repair centres 4.4 User groups 4.5 Online services 4.6 Bulletin boards (BBSes) 4.7 Magazines 4.8 "Anti-thief" tips 4.9 Lost/stolen Psions 5. SHAREWARE AND FREEWARE 5.1 Relevant FTP sites 5.2 WWW internet sites 5.3 Shareware for those without online access part 4 6. CONNECTING YOUR PSION 6.1 With an IBM or clone 6.2 With an Amiga -CHANGE-6.3 With a UNIX machine 6.4 With a Macintosh 6.5 With an Atari 6.6 With an Acorn Archimedes or Risc PC 6.7 With a serial modem 6.8 With a PCMCIA modem 6.9 With a packet radio TNC 6.10 With a cellular phone 6.11 Via the IrDA port (3c/Siena) 6.12 Terminal emulation 6.13 TCP/IP stack part 5 7. THE EMULATOR 7.1 Limitations & bugs 7.2 Tips & tricks 7.3 Changing permanently the keyboard mapping 8. PROGRAMMING 8.1 Overview of development possibilities 8.2 OPL programming directly on the Psion 8.3 OPL programming from a PC 8.4 C Development on PC 8.5 Advanced C Development on a PC 8.6 Available books 8.7 How to do various things: tips & tricks A. SHAREWARE/FREEWARE AVAILABLE SOFTWARE A.1 Applications A.2 Games part 6 B. COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE SOFTWARE, SERVICES & ACCESSORIES B.1 Business & Legal B.2 Education B.3 Drawing, Leisure & Guides B.4 Navigation B.5 Communications & Utilities B.6 Diet, Health & Safety B.7 Time Management B.8 Mapping & Surveying B.9 Databases B.10 Services B.11 Books & Accessories _________________________________________________________________ I. DISCLAIMER This article is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this article, neither the authors, the maintainer or the contributors will assume responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. This document is compiled in spare time for free, and I cannot resource thorough checking of all its contents. However, I am interested in making the FAQ as good as it can be, so your constructive feedback is welcome. This FAQ is not sponsored or endorsed by Psion PLC or any subsidary companies they may own in any way. This FAQ is *NOT* intended as a replacement of the User Guide which comes with each Psion. Be sure to read that first and - most important - please double read the manual and this FAQ before posting any questions to the comp.sys.psion.* hierarchy! II. CREDITS To create this document Chris (the original FAQ author) reviewed the Newsgroup activity of the old comp.sys.psion (it has split on the 19th of June 1996) group over some months, used that to generate a list of Frequently Asked Questions, used THAT to generate a FAQ structure, then populated it with extracted wisdom from the news traffic. So a lot of information here is provided by the newsgroup contributors, who are too numerous to credit individually. (Chris said "I'm just the clerk that put it all in one place.") Special thanks go to Markus Illenseer, who owned the first (Series 3) FAQ - from which Chris also extracted useful information. Chris also thanked Clive D.W. Feather, Daniel Senie, Roger Burton-West, for extensive helpful comments on his preliminary FAQ. I would like to thank Mark Gould and Jason Savage for their precious help and comments. Other contributors are credited in the sections they provided special help in compiling. If you have a question which is not answered in the actual FAQ, please Email it to me (Daniel Pfund, see address at the top of this FAQ), otherwise if you want more information from one specific section of this FAQ, please try to contact the author of that section first. All the Email addresses of people mentioned in this FAQ are listed here for convenience (in alphabetical order): Andrew Baldwin Michael Baas Daron M. Brewood Roger Burton-West Mark Chapman Steve Clack Nick Craig-Wood Alban Debeaupuis Mike Dolan Tom Dolbilin Paul DuBois Clive D.W. Feather Mark Gould Roman Habrat Steve Hawtin Jochen Hollmann Charlotte Holmquist Markus Illenseer Erik Johansen Uwe Kallmeyer Edwin Klement Dan Ko Philippe Lebreton Steve Litchfield Neil Masson Roger Muggleton Blake Nancarrow Daniel Pfund Angus Rae Dan Ramage Alan Roberts Konstantin I. Saliy Jason Savage Daniel Senie Jochen Siegenthaler Bruce Stephens Toby Smith Oliver Wagner Lloyd Wasser John A. Watson Chris Wesley Walter Wright If you happen to change addresses or know the new address of someone on this list, please Email it to me, thanks! III. COPYRIGHT I assert copyright on this document. I encourage you to distribute it widely, but only in its complete and original form and if you do not make any money out of it. IV. FAQ UPDATES For the time being, I (Daniel) am the keeper of the FAQ. If you have comments or suggestions, corrections, or you have some information you want to see added or a request that I find some new answers, please let me know. Please contact me via the Email address at the top of the FAQ, or if that address doesn't work anymore (will stop working around the 20th of October 1997), then contact me at: which (should) work all the time by forwarding me my mail to my current account. If all else fails, do a web search on my name or check out my current homepage for more info at: V. WHERE CAN I GET THIS FAQ? You're reading it aren't you? SAVE it :-). This FAQ is part of the "official" news.answers FAQs and is posted monthly to comp.sys.psion.announce and cross-posted to comp.sys.palmtops, comp.answers, and news.answers. If you don't have reliable Usenet access, you can also retrieve the FAQ by: FTP This article is archived at any site that archives news.answers. News.answers' main archive is at, and this article is available there via anonymous ftp in the directory /usenet/news.answers/psion-faq/partX Other news.answers FAQ archives are: + in the anonymous ftp directory /pub/FAQ + in the anonymous ftp directory /pub/usenet (also available via mail server requests to, or via uunet's 1-900 anonymous UUCP phone number) + in the anonymous ftp directory pub/NEWS.ANSWERS (also accessible via mail server requests to You probably will find a location closer to you with the help of archie or some other search tool. Usually, the news.answers FAQs are held in a directory like "usenet/usenet-by-group/news.answers/" and you would be looking for the "psion-faq" subdirectory in there. EMail You can use the mailserver at rtfm: send a message containing the lines "send usenet/news.answers/psion-faq/*" to receive all parts or send a message containing "help" and "index" to for more information on how to obtain seperate parts. WWW There is a HTMLized version of this FAQ on my homepage at (Note that there is no "l" at the end of "htm", this is not a typo!) Please use this site for any reference from your own web pages because it is under my direct control and easily changeable. It contains links to all the Psion HTML FAQ mirrors available in the world as well as an archive file of both the text and the HTML versions of the FAQ for easy downloading and offline reading. There are also numerous WWW sites archiving all the news.answers FAQs. My favorite site is in Oxford at: Please do NOT Email me or anybody else mentioned in this FAQ for the latest version. We simply cannot handle such matters effectively. If the date at the top of this FAQ is more than a couple months old, there is probably a new version available online. If you're interested to learn how I prepare this FAQ, you can check out my page about that at: VI. NEWSGROUP NETIQUETTE I thought it might be useful to include a few words about using the comp.sys.psion.* newsgroup hierarchy. We get a steady trickle of transgressions and the ensuing admonishments. Maybe we can fix these before they happen in future. Egg-sucking grannies may skip this section. (Does that work outside the UK?) 1. READ THE FRIENDLY MANUAL (RTFM) and then the FAQ before posting any questions! Remember that thes groups are here to help you out but only if the answer can't be found by yourself. Also remember that each time you're posting a question to the group, hundreds (if not thousands) of people will read your question. If the same questions come up again and again, people will just get bored and not answer anymore... 2. DON'T BE RUDE. Obvious? Apparently not. Our newsgroup is an oasis of civilization in a sea of adolescent vitriol and worse. Let's keep it that way. Say it nicely or don't say it at all. If you need to be uncomfortably direct, do it in personal mail - don't post it. 3. When responding to a post, most handlers will give you an edit pad with the original post inserted. Delete most of this, leaving only the part which will set the context for your reply. This is more effective communication, it cuts down on crud to scan through, and reduces phone bills for those that pay them. 4. Official NETIQUETTE says you should not use the net for advertising, but the prevalent view here is that the current level of activity is useful without being obtrusive. 5. Posting binaries is definitively not recommended in the comp.sys.psion.* usenet groups! There is a seperate Psion binaries group called comp.binaries.psion which is a moderated group. The moderator is Erik Johansen. If you wish to post to this group, either Email your binary directly to the news group's Email address: and it will arrive to the moderator or if your news program is configured correctly, post it directly to the group. You will receive a message in return usually in a laps of 2-3 days maximum to confirm your binary. It has been agreed that very large programs which are not Psion specific (ie: don't run directly on the Psion) should NOT be posted there but to the relevant computer group. But you should send a small message to the comp.binaries.psion group stating that you have just posted your program. It is also common practice to send a description of your binary; it helps to know if it's worth downloading it or not! Usually, this description has the same subject line but with part0(/x) suffix. All postings to this group have been archived and are indexed on the following FTP site: 6. Consider whether you should be mailing or posting. PING-PONG personal dialogues may - or may not - be of interest to others. If not, please don't post. 7. Post to the relevant newsgroup, and please don't cross-post! Here's a guide to help you: + comp.binaries.psion Used for ALL Psion binaries. Also used for large source code. + comp.sys.psion.announce Used for posting announcements about new programs/hardware; the FAQ is also posted to this group. This is a low volume group and it's moderated, that means that all postings must get approved first by the moderator (Michael L. Kaufman). If your news server does not send your post to the moderator (but they all do generally), you can send it yourself directly for approval at + comp.sys.psion.apps Used for posting questions/answers to all Psion related programs; frequented by all Psion programmers to get your feedback and ideas of course ;-) + comp.sys.psion.marketplace Used for selling/buying Psion articles + comp.sys.psion.misc Used for any subject which does not fall into one of the other categories... + comp.sys.psion.programmer Used for posting programming questions ( OPL / C / ... ), NOT programs! + Used for posting reviews about Psion programs/hardware. This group is also moderated by Michael L. Kaufman and again, if your news server is not set up correctly, you can also send your postings directly to him at _________________________________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION 1.1 What is the Psion Series 3/3a? I will describe the more advanced 3a here. Refer to the hardware section to see what you lose on the Series 3. The Psion Series 3 and 3a are palmtop computers. Though packaged as personal organisers, they are fully general, programmable, powerful computers. The quality of the built-in applications, coupled with the power saving hardware make Series 3's excellent personal organisers. The sophisticated operating system, the hardware, the built-in programming language, and the options to program in C and assembler make them excellent general-purpose computers, with the major benefits of compactness and battery endurance. Optional link facilities can connect the Series 3 to desktop machines, allowing data backup and access to the resources of the larger machine from the Series 3. Modems, fax modems, printers and other peripherals may also be connected via industry-standard serial and parallel interfaces. The built-in applications include a database manager, a sophisticated word processor, time manager, world date/time and dialling codes database, calculator and spreadsheet. The latest models (1Mb and 2Mb RAM models) also include the spell checker/thesaurus and a patience game (solitaire card game). Many other applications are available commercially and from shareware outlets. More details in the last part of this FAQ. The built-in OPL programming system provides a structured BASIC-like programming language with access to all the features of the machine. This includes the ability to program polished Windows/Icons/Menus interfaces like those found in the built-in applications. The sound interface can record and playback digital sound. DTMF dialling tones can be created which allow the Series 3a to dial numbers directly through a telephone. 1.2 Which model should I buy? This question is really a personal matter. I would definitively suggest getting a Series3a (and not 3) because of the greater screen resolution. As for which memory model, this depends entirely of your needs and what you plan on doing with your Psion. In general, the more memory the better (and keep in mind also that the 1/2Mb models offer the spell checker/thesaurus and solitaire game which you might need). If you're reading this, you probably have access to Psion free/shareware also. You will see that these programs will quickly fill up your memory ;-) so I would suggest to get the biggest model (2Mb). If on the other hand, money is tight and you don't plan on using much more than the Agenda and the built-in apps, then I think a 512k is big enough for you. As you can see, there is no simple solution to this answer! 1.3 When will the "new" Psion come out? Good question... next please! Joke apart, nobody really knows. So please folks, just stop asking! Before the 3c was announced, people didn't expect a new Psion until 1997, but Psion was 3 months early (just in time for Christmas, heh?!). The reason no one knew exactly is that Psion is quite relunctant to give such information simply because they've learned from the past (from Osborne computers to be more precise ;-) . Psion have formally announced that their will be new machines during the year 1997. By the time you read this, the new "Series 5" will probably be available as it has been rumoured to come out during June 97. That will mean the end of this FAQ... as I'm sure the Series 5 will be a must-have fantastic palmtop! People were hoping for Infrared comms (IrDa compliant), PCMCIA (most debated!), RISC (ARM 7100) 32bits, pen for navigation (but hopefully still a keyboard!), backlight ... You see that Psion have added most of these features into the 3c! 1.4 What other machines does Psion make? 1.4.1 WorkAbout This is the latest Psion machine. Very comparable to a Psion Series 3a, it is more robust and has an A-Z keyboard for size reasons. One nice point: a back lit screen is present. Targeted at the vertical market, thus not so well known to the general public. 1.4.2 Acorn Pocket Book (by Acorn) Re-badged Series 3a, aimed at education-related markets. Contains all the 3a applications, though named differently, plus a spell checker, thesaurus and a graph plotting application in a 2MB ROM. Password protection capability is removed. Costs about 20 GBP more than a 3a. 1.4.3 Series 3 The immediate predecessor to the Psion Series 3a is the Series 3. It is the same machine in size and concept, but is more limited in many respects. See the hardware comparison table in section 2a for a list of differences. 1.4.4 Series 3c The immediate sucessor to the Psion Series3a; was launched 05Sep96 (same time as the Siena). It has the following added features: * Infra Red connector for Psion to Psion or Psion to printer connections * RS232c internal connector for fast connections (upto 57k6) * Toggleable backlight screen (US model only?) * Data APP includes a table view and sort option * Agenda supports a month view (finally!) * Jotter application added * Calc application cosmetically changed * Sound editor included * Filer app (sort of File manager) with the much awaited "move" command ;-) * OVAL run time in ROM (for programmers) * Tips on startup a la MS * Optional add on synchronizers for Lotus Organizer and Schedule+ * Optional self powered PC-CARD (PCMCIA) adapter But, it must also be noted that the 3c does NOT have the definitions in it's spelling checker/thesaurus application. Psion didn't have enough room in the ROM to keep them. 1.4.5 Siena This is not really a palmtop computer, but should more be classified as a "PDA" (Personal Digital Assistant). It is basically the same as a 3a but available only in 512k/1Mb RAM versions with a half-sized screen (240*160 pixels). It also includes Jotter but not Files nor Oval. Next to the top half of the screen you can find a numeric keypad. Unexpandable (no SSD slots built-in, but you can buy an SSD adapter); has built-in RS-232 port. See Psion's web site for more infos. 1.4.6 Organiser II series: * CM - available in 16K only, 16x2 screen, limited software * XP - available in 16K or 32K, 16x2 screen, limited software (database, OPL) * LZ - available in 32K or 64K (LZ64), 20x4 screen, introduced notepad (basic text processor), dialing codes database, on-screen clock) There is an Organiser II homepage at 1.5 What other palmtop alternatives are there? (by Jason Savage) See section 2.1 for the Psion Series 3 and 3a hardware specifications. Make: Apple Model: Newton MessagePad 120 Processor Model: ARM 610 Speed: 20 Mhz Bit size: 32-bit Display Type: Monochrome, reflective LCD Pixel Screen size: 320 x 240 Memory Size: 1MB RAM (385K user data & 639K system) or 2MB RAM (1,361K user data & 687K system) Expansion slots Type: Type II PC-Card (PCMCIA 2.0) Number: 1 Dimensions Size (W x D x H): 10.16 x 20.32 x 2.9 cm (4.0" x 8.0" x 1.2") Weight: 480 grams (16 ounces) Power Requirements Batteries: 4 x AA (main) & 1 x CR2032 (backup) Battery Life (Approx): Up to 22 hours Provision for AC Adaptor: Yes Input/Output Ports Serial (max speed): Yes, RS-422 8-pin DIN (230,000 bps) Parallel: No Infrared: Yes, (38,400 bps) Other: Optional FAX modem Keyboard: Yes, Popup virtual keyboard (QWERTY, Numeric, & Phone pad) Included Applications: + Newton Intelligence (Handwriting Recognition, Object Oriented Database Programming language and Communications services) + Calendar (like Agenda) + NewtonMail (email client) + To-Do Lists (like Agenda) + Rolodex-like Address Book (like Data) + Digital Ink ScratchPad + Calculator (like Calc) + World Time Clock (like World) + Dictionary (13,000 words) + Notion List Manager (like Data) Make: Casio Model: Z-7000 (AKA: Zoomer, Tandy Z-PDA, AST GRiDPad 2390) Processor Model: NEC V20 Speed: 7.7Mhz Bit size: 16-bit Display Type: Monochrome reflective, touchscreen Pixel Screen size: 320 x 256 Memory Size: 1 Mb (384K user data & 640K system) Expansion slots Type: Type II PC-Card (PCMCIA 2.0) Number: 1 Dimensions Size (W x D x H): 10.76 x 17.62 x 2.6 cm (4.2" x 6.8" x 1") Weight: 430 grams (15.2 ounces) Power Requirements Batteries: 3 x AA (main) & 2 x CR2032 (backup) Battery Life (Approx): 100 hours (catalog: 90 hours) Provision for AC Adaptor: Yes Input/Output Ports Serial (max speed): Yes, 10-pin, (19,200 bps) Parallel: No Infrared: Yes, (9600, Casio) Other: Round telescoping pen Keyboard: Yes, Virtual Pop-up software QWERTY, A-Z or International Included Applications: + Date Book (like Agenda) + Address Book (like Data) + Note Book (Digital Ink Scratchpad & Document Manager with outliner) + Pocket Quicken (Financial Organiser) + America Online (Access software for the service provider of the same name) + Calculator (like Calc) + Forms Calculator + World Clock (like World) + Language Translator (26 languages & up 1000 words per language) + Games (Solitaire, Pyramid Solitaire & UKI) + File Manager + Consumer Information + U.S. Information + World Information Make: Hewlett Packard Model: 200LX Processor Model: variable speed Hornet Speed: 7.91 MHz Bit size: 16-bit Display Type: CGA-compatible FTN liquid crystal Pixel Screen size: 640 x 200 Memory Size: 1 or 2MB of RAM Expansion slots Type: Type II PC-Card (PCMCIA 2.0) Number: 1 Dimensions Size (W x D x H): 16 x 8.64 x 2.54 cm (6.3" x 3.4" x 1") Weight: 312 grams (11 ounces) Power Requirements Batteries: 2xAA (main) & 1xCR2032 (backup) Battery Life (Approx): 80 hours Provision for AC Adaptor: Yes Input/Output Ports Serial (max speed): Yes, 9-wire (115K?) Parallel: No Infrared: Yes Other: No Keyboard: Yes, QWERTY Included Applications: + Pocket Quicken (Financial Organiser) + cc:Mail (E-mail client) + Data Communications (VT-100, ANSI & TTY emulation) + Lotus 1-2-3 r.2.4 (like Sheet) + Laplink (like Remote Link) for file transfers + Appointment Book (like Agenda) + Phone Book (like Data) + HP financial calculator (like Calc) + Memo editor with outliner (like Word) + Notetaker (like Notepad) + Database (like Data) + Filer (like File Manager) + Worldtime & Stopwatch (like World) + System Macros + Application Manager + Setup Utility See also the following WWW site for a more complete comparaison of Psion3a-HP200lx with over 170 articles: Make: Hewlett Packard Model: OmniGo 100 Organizer Plus Processor Model: Intel 80C186 compatible Speed: 16 Mhz Bit size: 16-bit Display Type: FSTN LCD with Touchscreen Pixel Screen size: 240 x 240 Memory Size: 1MB RAM Expansion slots Type: Type II PC-Card (PCMCIA 1.0: SRAM memory cards no Flash or Modems) Number: 1 Dimensions Size (W x D x H): 15.3 x 9.5 x 2.6 cm (6" x 3.7" x 1") Weight: 329 grams (11.6 ounces) Power Requirements Batteries: 2 x AA (main) & 1 x CR2032 (backup) Battery Life (Approx): ? Provision for AC Adaptor: No Input/Output Ports Serial (max speed): Yes, 10-wire, (?) Parallel: No Infrared: No Other: Yes, Pen Keyboard: Yes, QWERTY (5 function keys) Included Applications: + Appointment book (like Agenda) + Phonebook (like Data) + Notepad (like Word) + Database (like Data) + Worldtime and stopwatch (like World) + Jotter (Digital Ink Scratchpad) + Geoworks Book Reader + Financial Tools + Spreadsheet (like Sheet) + Emulated HP 12C financial calculator (like Calc) + Graffiti handwriting system (handwriting recognition) + Transfer (like Remote Link) + Setup Utility (like Install) + Solitaire Make: Motorola Model: Envoy Communicator Processor Model: Motorola Dragon 68349 Speed: 16 Mhz Bit size: 32-bit Display Type: Reflective FSTN Touch Screen Pixel Screen size: 480 x 320 Memory Size: 1 MB Expansion slots Type: Type II PC-Card (PCMCIA 2.0) slots Number: 2 Dimensions Size (W x D x H): 14.8 x 19.2 x 2.9 cm (5.8" x 7.6" x 1.2") Weight: 770 grams (1.7 pounds) Power Requirements Batteries: Rechargeable Ni-Cad (main) & 1 x CR2032 (backup) Battery Life (Approx): 8 hours Provision for AC Adaptor: Yes, combined with Charger Input/Output Ports Serial (max speed): Yes, 14-pin MagicBus (38,400 bps) Parallel: Yes, MagicBus Infrared: Yes, FSK compliant Other: 2 round full length pens, 4800 bps send/receive radio packet modem, 9600 bps FAX send modem & 2400 bps data modem Keyboard: Optional, QWERTY Included Applications: + Date Book (like Agenda) + World Time Clock (like World) + Address Book (like Data) + Notebook (like Agenda To-Do List) + Calculator (like Calc) + America Online (connection software for the service provider of the same name) + AT&T PersonaLink (connection software for the service provider of the same name) + SmartWallet Make: Sharp Model: ZR-5000 & ZR-5000FX AKA: Zaurus K-PDA Processor Model: Sharp Proprietary Speed: ? Bit size: 16-bit Display Type: DFSTN LCD, Touch screen (finger or stylus) Pixel Screen size: 320 x 240 Memory Size: 1MB RAM (750k user data & 250K system) Expansion slots Type: Type II PC-Card (PCMCIA 2.0) Number: 1 Dimensions Size (W x D x H): 17.0 x 10.0 x 2.54 cm (6.7" x 3.9" x 1.0") Weight: 385 grams (13.6 ounces approx.) Power Requirements Batteries: 2 x AA (main) & 1 x CR-2032 (backup) Battery Life (Approx): Up to 60 hours (~2 months) Provision for AC Adaptor: Yes Input/Output Ports Serial (max speed): Yes, 15-pin proprietary, (19,200 bps) Parallel: No Infrared: Yes, (IrDA & ASK Compliant) Other: Round pen & FAX modem with ZR-5000FX Keyboard: Yes, QWERTY configuration Included Applications: + Activities (like Agenda) + Contacts (like Data) limited to 3 files + Data Files (also like Data) limited to 3 files + Notes (Digital Ink Scratchpad) + Documents (like Word) with Spell Checker + Outline (like Outline mode in Word) + Home & World Clocks (like Time & World) + Calculator (like Calc) + Filer (Manages Printing, Faxing, Email & File transfers) + Messaging (E-mail client) + FAX/Sending (FAX client) + Terminal Mode (ASCII & VT-100 emulation) Make: USR Model: Pilot Specs thanks to David Richards at Processor Model: Motorola 68328 "Dragonball" Speed: 16 MHz? Bit size: 16-bit Display Type: Monochrome, reflective LCD Pixel Screen size: 160 x 160 Memory Size: 512K ROM 128K RAM (Pilot 1000), 512K (Pilot 5000), or 1Mb upgrade Expansion slots Type: Proprietary memory (replaces RAM) Number: 1 Dimensions Size (W x D x H): 3.2" x .7" x 4.7" Weight: 385 grams (5.7 ounces approx.) Power Requirements Batteries: 2 x AAA (main) Battery Life (Approx): 30 hours Provision for AC Adaptor: No Input/Output Ports Serial (max speed): Yes, Proprietary edge connector (57,600 bps) Parallel: No Infrared: No Keyboard: Yes, Popup virtual keyboard (QWERTY, Numeric, accent) Included Applications: + Date book + Address book + To Do List + Memo pad + Calculator End of part 1/6 _________________________________________________________________ [Go to next part] _________________________________________________________________ All pages coming from (and this is one of them!) are copyright 1996 Daniel Pfund. -- |\ |\ PSION specialists: | )|/ *--------------------------------------------* |/ |