Filer 3.00 ========== Filer is a file management tool for the Psion Series 3a. You are able to handle your files in one or two windows in one of four viewing modes - Devices: show a list of all available devices and navigate through a tree of directories Files: navigate through the files and directories of any local or remote device Scan: scan a whole device for any file or file specification View: take a quick view on the files content Copy, move, delete and rename files, set attributes and file modification date/time, create or remove directory subtrees, sort directory lists, start applications by itself or by their data files. INSTALLATION ============ To install Filer, copy the following files into the specified destination: 79.472 bytes \App Application file Viewer.dyl 6.032 bytes \App\Filer Hex/Text viewer Shell.dyl 4.496 bytes \App\Filer Shell module Undel.dyl 1.504 bytes \App\Filer Wasted space calculation Unzip.dyl 1.840 bytes \App\Filer Unzip module interface View_pic.dyl 1.664 bytes \App\Filer Picture viewer View_dbf.dyl 2.048 bytes \App\Filer Database viewer View_wve.dyl 768 bytes \App\Filer Wave file viewer Then install the application as usual using the 'Install' command from the 'Applications' menu. USAGE ===== The application will usually start from the devices list. Select any device and press ENTER to switch to the files view. Navigate through the list by pressing ENTER for any subdirectory or ESC for the parent directory. Start an application by selection and ENTER or by selecting it's data file (if predefined or defined by the extension editor). Devices ------- The devices are listed by it's drive letter, local devices before remote devices. 'Copy' Copy all (or only the modified) files of a selected device to a directory tree. 'Rename' Rename a device (from it's original name given by the last format) 'Format' Format a device. 'Disable scan' If one of the devices in the list is not accessible (e.g. because there is no media inserted) you can avoid it's inclusion or reread. 'Recoverable space' Calculate the wasted space on Flash SSD's occupied by deleted files 'Rename' Rename a directory 'Create' Create a new directory 'Delete' Remove a directory 'Compress' Compress/Expand a directory 'Compress all' Expand all subdirectories 'Open tree' Show the files of a directory in a second window 'Description' Edit a description for any file/directory Files ----- Navigate through the files and directories using the cursor keys, ENTER and ESC, mark them by SPACE or +, unmark them by -. 'Copy' Copy the contents of a directory, any selected file or a group of marked files to any target directory. 'Move' Move acts like copy but removes the original files and directories. 'Delete' Removes files and directories. 'Rename' Rename a file or directory. 'Attributes' Change the file attributes 'Date' Edit the file or directory modification date or time. 'Mark' Select a number of files and/or directories by a given mask and/or any modification date range. 'Description' Enter a short description in addition to the 8/3 filename 'Create' Create a directory within any path. 'Remove' Remove a directory. 'Sort' Specify the sort criteria: sorted by name, size, date, time, extension either ascending or descending. 'Refresh' Reread the current path in case of any changes (e.g. from any other processes). 'Path' Specify a new file mask and/or a complete path. Scan ---- The result of a file scan can be treated like any file list (without directory navigation) Extension editor ---------------- By using the extension editor, every extension can have an assigned application, which will be executed after pressing ENTER on the selected data file. So if there is an entry like 'CHS' connected to 'A:\APP\CHESS.APP', and you press ENTER on a file 'Game.chs', the application will be launched loading the respective file. If you press ENTER on any 'unconnected' data file, you will receive a connection dialog automaticly. 'Insert' Insert a new extension into the database. 'Edit' Edit the currently selected entry. 'Delete' Remove the selected entry. Unzipping files --------------- Filer supports the usage of the 'Unzip.img' application, which can be found in the Palmtop Forum of CompuServe. Simply install the application as suggested in any \Run or \App directory. Activate the unzipping by simply pressing ENTER on any '.zip' file. Please note the context sensitive help mechanism! ABOUT THE PROGRAMM ================== This application is shareware, so if you are using it, you have to register it! There should be no additional fee charged for distributing the package. The package is to be kept unmodified and as it is. REGISTRATION ============ Filer is not free! If you are using it, please register with the author. Entering the registration code ------------------------------ After receiving the registration code you have to enter it in the registration dialog from within the setup dialog. Exit and restart the application to activate the code. Your name has to be included in the first or second line of the owner info. After a successful registration there will be no more nag screens, you are able to save the actual configuration, you can use a definable hotkey for switching to Filer and the multi-file operations are possible. Registration fee ---------------- Registration can be made by cash, cheque or by using the CompuServe SWREG service or the RegNet service on InterNet. The full registration for Filer is 30.00 USD. An upgrade from Filer3a 1.2 is 10.00 USD. If you want the application on floppy and a printed manual this will be an additional 5.00 USD. Please add 2.00 USD for paying by cheque or in foreign currency. Payment by the CompuServe SWREG service is very quick and simple, but costs an additional charge of approx. 15% (which is payed to CompuServe). Payment by the RegNet service: add 8.00 USD. So, e.g., if you want a full registration, pay by sending cash, and want to receive the application on disk together with a printed manual, this will be 35.00 USD. If you want an upgrade from Filer3a, pay by cheque or in foreign currency, this will be 12.00 USD. Registration by SWREG --------------------- If you prefer registration by the CompuServe shareware registration service, GO SWREG using the following ID: Full registration Filer 2.10 ID=12549 plus disk and printed manual ID=12478 Upgrade from Filer3a 1.2 ID=12477 plus disk and printed manual ID=12550 Registration by RegNet ---------------------- To register by RegNet, load '' Registration request -------------------- Unless you are registering by using the CompuServe SWREG service, you have to send some registration information: User name (as stated in the first or second line of the owner data from the system screen). Requested registration level (full registration, upgrade). If possible, an e-mail address, for a faster reception of the registration code. HISTORY ======= Up to version 1.2 Filer3a was implemented using OPL. Since applications which are written in OPL are restricted in many aspects, Filer 2.00 is the first release which is completely recoded in object oriented C. Version 2.00: * First release coded in C * Installation is simplified by using only one file. Release 2.01: * Selectable font * Extension database may now reside in the \app\filer directory * Extension editor layout changed * Auto switch off is now allowed * A number of bugs were fixed Release 2.10 * Support of the EPOC Unzip program * Now there are multifile operations in the scan view possible * There is a build-in hex viewer with search facility * You can scan for files as well as for text in files * Write a short description for every file/directory * Extension editor: You can connect aliases to extensions Defined connections will now overrule ROM applications Connections can now be made to ROM applications * There are now two different alphasearch methods * Setup is now divided into general setup and display/window setup * Select the inclusion of hidden/system files * Define a hotkey to launch Filer * A number of bugs have been fixed Release 2.20 * Text viewer * Viewer library, using independent Dyl files - PIC viewer: scroll through grey or b/w PIC files - DBF viewer: browse through DATA apps files or any OPL generated DBF file - WVE 'viewer': take a quick acoustic view onto wave files - fallback to hex viewer on demand - the library of viewing modules will be extended in the future * Optional inclusion of the internal ROM device (browse, copy, view,...) * Extensive usage of additional confirmation dialogs within deletion operations * Save disabled disks to configuration * Support write protected disks as application disks * Optional quickview (autoview) of files * Bugfixes Release 3.00 * Migration of the tree mode into the device mode by using a complete new layout * System information (memory usage) * Local and remote disks are now subgrouped * Multifile operations now even work on rename, attributes and modification date change * Tree creation performance increased * Edit descriptions for directories in the device mode * Calculate the recoverable space on Flash SSD's * Provide a much better unzip support * Expand all directories below any directory or any whole disk * Better representation of HexView * Automatic tree update in quickview mode * Automatic link switch on/off support * Bugfixes DISCLAIMER ========== Although the program has been tested extensively, there is no guarantee that it is error free (like any piece of software :-) ) Please make backup copies from your important data! The author will not be liable for any damage or consequential loss caused by any error, defect or failure of the application. ABOUT THE AUTHOR ================ If you have any questions or suggestions regarding Filer, please do not hesitate to contact the author: Thomas Nemec Gladbeckstrasse 1/12a/10 2320 Schwechat Austria CompuServe 100024,3461 Internet WWW Phone/Fax: +43 1 7077807 (MEZ daytime) December 1996, Schwechat, Austria