*** FileView v.1.01 by PsiClone Software *** Description:- This app will display any file on the Psion 3a as Hex and ASCII. Registered versions allow modifying and saving of files also. For experienced users only. WARNING:- ALWAYS BACK UP ALL FILES YOU INTEND TO WORK ON WITH FILEVIEW! - author takes no responsibility for corrupted data!! This applies to both registered and unregistered versions. Installation:- 1) Copy the file "Fileview.pic" into the \OPD directory. 2) Copy the file "FileView.opa" into the \APP directory. 3) Select the APPS (Install) menu option to install the "FileView" program. Display:- The file offset is displayed in HEX along the left hand columns. The HEX data is displayed in the middle block. The ASCII equivalents are displayed in the right hand block. Use:- 1) Select the file you wish to view using the file selector. 2) Use the VIEW - Page Up/Page Down to scroll a page forward or back (Psion UP/DOWN performs the same function). 3) Select EDIT to change data on the current screen - use cursor keys to move the highlight. Change HEX bytes or ASCII characters by pressing ENTER over the character or 2 digit HEX number and typing in the new value (you do not have to press ENTER again). 4) TAB moves the cursor between the HEX and ASCII windows. 5) JUMP asks for a file offset to jump to. 6) READ inserts a file into the file location specified (useful for changing icon data in an existing OPA file). 7) WRITE writes the specified block to disk (useful for extracting icons). 8) SAVE saves the entire file (size remains unchanged). Important Notes:- 1) The intial default directory is ROM:: - this allows you to view the system files. Obviously these cannot be modified! Press TAB in the file selector or change drive letters to view other disks. It is not possible to return to the ROM:: after viewing other drives - the program must be restarted if you wish to do this. 2) Unregistered versions have the SAVE and WRITE functions disabled and have a 16K file size limit. 3) HANDLE WITH CARE - this is a powerful utility! Shareware:- If you find this utility useful you are asked to register with the author for $15 (US) or 10.00 (UK). This provides free upgrades and information and offers on other applications currently under development. For questions, comments, upgrades and registration:- Contact us at: 76702.2556@compuserve.com PsiClone Software (19 November 1995).