FILMCALCULATOR GENERAL: The Filmcalculator is a calculator for people working in the film business. The calculator is mainly useful for D.O.P.'s, camera-operators, assistants, clapperloaders and gaffers . Feel free to distribute or copy this program but don't change anything without permission from the author. INSTALLATION: Connect the Psion with a PC and use Rcom or Psiwin to transfer the files to the Psion. Put the main program Film30.opa in an \APP directory on the internal disk or on a SSD card. Create a directory called APP\FILMCALC\ on the same disk or SSD card and place the file Sysdat.002 and all files with *.DBF,*.OVL and *.FON in that directory. Install the program from the system screen via the Applications menu or with Psion-I. Important!!! The name of the owner should be entered in the "System screen / info / owner menu" before using the program! Afterwards changing this name will make your registration invalid. UPDATING FROM AN OLDER VERSION: Remove the old Filmcalculator icon from the system screen with "Menu Applications - Remove". Delete the old Film??e.opa file and all the old files in the \app\filmcalc\ directory except the *.CFG files. Never delete the Filmcalc.cfg file on the internal disk! ======================================================== Proceed as described above in " Installation" USING THE PROGRAM: The program has help lines at the bottom and right side of the screens. In the mainscreen press the "Menu" key to open the menus, select a calculation with the "Arrow" keys and press "Enter". Version 3.0 has some new keys in the result calculation screens but the older keys (spacebar for recalculation and Esc for back to main menu) are still functioning. Please note: the short cut keys in the main menus don't need the Psion key. E.g pressing "S" will bring you immediately to the Setup menu. SHAREWARE NOTES: You can try the program 14 days. After that period you should enter a special registration number or the program will stop. Information about registering the program will show up at the program start up until you enter the right number. HOW TO REGISTER THE PROGRAM: Fill in the Registration form supplied with this program regform.rtf / regform.txt) and fax this form to +31 20 4082339 How to pay: 1 By creditcard (just put your information and signature on the registration form) 2 Use the Compuserve shareware database (GO SWREG program ID=5315) 3 Send an international money order for the equivalent of Fl 275 ($175 or 100 UK pounds) to the address below. As soon as I receive your payment I will e-mail or fax you your number. IN PROGRESS: Light value lamp lookup functions More conversions Camera equipment lookup database If you have any suggestions please let me know! CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0 -Most screens are changed. Added + and - keys to most calculations to improve calculation speed and handling. -Corrected some bugs. -Added more film/video formats -Setup supports decimal/standard stops -Setup is accessible from the result calculation screens -Extended timecode calculations. -Added Lamp database and lookup. This database is in a normal Psion format so you can add and change the data or create several different databases. (Please make a backup of the original file before changing.) If you have added or created a new database please send me a copy. CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0 Corrected the increment key in the depth of field calculation Added sysdat.002 to the zipped file Bastiaan Houtkooper Zebra Film Sloterweg 1257 1066 CJ Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel: +31 20 4080400 Fax: +31 20 4082339 Compuserve: ID 72603,2142 Internet: Please check for the latest (beta) versions.