FONTS1.ZIP - a package of 34 fonts for the Psion Series 3(a) by M.Schuster My email-ad.: All fonts are converted from the Amiga by me in June 1994. I've written a small hack in CanDo which prints every char of a font and saves it as a .FSC-file for the wsfcomp-font-compiler (by Psion). Then I've written a small ARexx-prg. which strips the not needed '0's at each end of the lines and converts the chars from 128-255 from Amiga to Psion (move them..). If you want to have the .FSC-files or the original Amiga-Fonts, then write to me! If you want me to convert some of your Amiga-fonts, write me and send me the fonts uuencoded. In the archive there's also a small program (written by me) to print fonts on the screen. Just start it to see all the fonts! All fonts in particular: Name |Height|Maxwid| Amiga-Name&size | a s g o |Note ---------+------+------+-----------------+---------+------------------------- 3dchar18 18 17 3dchar/18 + 0 - - amibm6 * 6 8 amibm/6 + 0 + + full IBM-Charset! amibm8 * 8 8 amibm/8 + 0 + + full IBM-Charset! bckgrnds 21 32 backgrounds/21 - - - + background-graphics beton13 13 32 beton/32 0 - - + brush50 50 65 brush/50 0 - - - courir13 13 8 courier/13 + + - - diamnd12 12 15 diamond/12 + + - - digitl38 38 39 digital/50 0 - - - doris15 * 15 12 doris/15 + + - - emerld17 17 20 emerald/17 + + - - flipper7 7 6 flipper/7 0 - - - garnet9 9 20 garnet/9 + + - - ic8 8 10 ic/8 + + - - ice26 26 32 ice/26 + - - - lngisl15 15 16 longisland/15 + 0 - + malsmin6 * 6 5 malsmallint/6 + 0 - - malsmi6' * 6 6 malsmallint/6 + 0 - - see footnote (1) malsml6 * 6 7 malsmall/6 + 0 - - mathe11 11 11 mathematik/11 + - - + greek&math chars mony16 16 16 mony/16 + 0 - - mstenc23 23 32 mstencil/23 0 - - - opal9 9 13 opal/9 + + - - opal12 12 13 opal/12 + + - - pictures 21 32 pictures/21 - - - + pictures prime8 8 8 prime/8 + + - - prime9 9 10 prime/9 + + - - robot14 14 11 robot/14 + - - - russian8 8 8 russisch/8 + 0 - + russian letters sapphr19 19 19 sapphire/19 + + - - srpntn15 15 15 serpentine/15 + + - - vsmall3 * 3 4 verysmall/4 + - - - zapfch12 12 15 zapfchancery/12 + + - - zapfch14 14 17 zapfchancery/14 + + - - ^- *=font is also created by me; rest: only converted by me a = Font has the standard ascii-codes from 32 to 126. s = Font has special chars as it's in the standard-psion-fonts, except of the graphic-chars. g = Font has the graphic-chars as found in the standard-psion-fonts o = Font has other chars which could be not found in standard-psion-fonts + = Yep, totally available 0 = Partly available (check yourself what's included and what's not) - = Nothing to find in the font 'maxwid' means, that all fonts are proportional and this is only the maximum width of a char. (1) malsmi6' is the same font as malsmin6 but with the maxwid of 6, so if it's used as monospaced it has the same size as the built-in 6-height-font. (malsmin6 would be smaller ..) If you can understand german then call my BBS: Lonely Times, 0911-3939034, 300-14.400, 24h ..bye..