Psion 3a/Pocketbook II FORTH language ===================================== BETA TEST VERSION 1.29 - 17/04/95 This software is copyright Steve Godfrey These notes assume you are familiar with the Forth language. Installation: Copy Forth.opa into any \APP\ directory Copy Forth.bin into any \APP\Forth\ directory Copy Forth.ini into any \APP\Forth\ directory Copy Demo.sav into any \APP\Forth\ directory and install Forth.opa in the usual way. Saved files are listed below the Forth icon on the system screen. The demo has the following words defined: (most pointless!) ----------------------------------------- variable count variable primes 200 allot init (used by go) show (used by go) check (used by go) go works out 200 prime numbers and prints them bars draws bars on screen (shows use of graphics commands) 2dup (used by fact) 2drop (used by fact) d1- (used by fact) d0= (used by fact) fact (used by n!) n! works out factorial of number on top of stack (upto 13) primes displays prime numbers (uses variables 'primes' and 'count') rnd displays 100 random sized/placed boxes on screen. Please inform me of any suggestions, bugs etc by email to: or arcade user #897 ****** WARNING: Mis-use of the Forth language could crash your psion. Please save any unsaved data in other applications before using. The core of this FORTH language is written entirely in assembler for maximum speed. An OPL front end is used for simplicity. All commands entered are compiled before being executed. Any new definitions you create are compiled ready for future use. Later versions will allow the use of ROM routines for graphics drawing, serial i/o, sound etc. Words defined in version 1.29 of Psion 3a Forth ----------------------------------------------- forget time + - * / /mod mod . u. d. ." at cr do loop +loop if else then drop dup emit i i' j >r r> r@ over pick roll rot swap vlist 2* 2/ 2+ 2- 1+ 1- and or not xor <> 0> 0< 0= d- leave cls negate > < = <= >= sp@ s0 @ stack variable ! draw box fill d+ d* d/ beep allot seed rand Notes: ====== A maximum of 32 nested do..loops can be used. A maximum of 8 if statements can be nested. The IF statements can be used with or without the ELSE statement, but if the ELSE statement is present, it *must* be between an IF and a THEN. There are currently no checks on the state of the stack except with the . u. and d. functions. It is up to you to make sure that the stack has sufficient entries for the function used ie 'rot' requires 3 numbers on the stack but will work without. It may, however, crash the computer. Mis-use of the language will usually give a harmless Panic 60 error, but worst case could require the psion to be reset, which could lose any unsaved data in other applications that are running. Each word you enter must be seperated by a space. Defining new words: =================== You may define new words as follows. : ... ; ie to define a function to print a given number of stars, you could use: : stars 0 do 42 emit loop cr ; You can then type '5 stars' to print 5 stars, or '10 stars' to print 10 stars etc. You can use any defined word in furthur words, eg: another word could then be defined to print a triangle of stars as follows: : triangle 10 1 do i stars loop ; Entering 'triangle' would produce: * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ********* Remember that forth uses reverse polish notation for calculations. To add and print the sum of 5 and 7, enter 5 7 + . To print (5*6)+(9-7)*88, enter: 5 6 * 9 7 - 88 * + . / returns the int of the division. mod returns the remainder. /mod returns both the remainder and the quotient on the stack. Any number of do..loops can be nested, eg: : test 10 0 do 10 0 do i j * . loop cr loop ; which prints the multiplication tables from 0 to 9 (no print formatting available yet). Strings are used as follows: : sqr dup dup ." The square of " . ." is " * . ; Which produces: >5 sqr The square of 5 is 25 Any space before the terminating " will be printed as part of the string. The space is not required to work, but you must have a space after the ." You can do a reverse counting loop using +loop. Ie to print 10 to 1 enter 1 10 do i . -1 +loop Or to count in 2s, use 10 0 do i . 2 +loop For long words you can split the definition over several lines, eg: >: stars 10 1 do i 0 do 42 emit loop cr loop ; > Each definition must end with a ; and start with a : If you try and use an unknown word in a new definition, the new entry is aborted with an error. If you have an unequal number of dos and loops or ifs, elses and thens an error will be reported and compilation aborted. You can save the words you have defined using the menu. Any saved files in the \APP\Forth directory with extension .sav will appear under the system icon. Starting the language with a saved file will load the saved definitions. Saved files can be loaded into DATA for editing. Forgotten words are saved in the data file, but ignore when reloaded. They can be retrieved using DATA. SETUP ===== The setup parameters only take effect when you next run FORTH. As a rough guide: Parameter stack uses 2 bytes per item. Return stack uses 4 bytes per do..loop. Return stack of 256 allows 64 nested do..loops. Dictionary size. Each stored word uses 5 bytes+length of name eg : test 42 emit 34 emit ; uses 9 bytes in the dictionary. Code size is the space allocated to compiled words. 4k should be enough. (The forth code itself is only 4k-ish!). ----------------------- Steve Godfrey, 17/04/95 -----------------------