French Solitaire for the Psion Series 3a and 3c =============================================== By Alan Chambers ---------------- (c)Copyright R A Chambers, 1996 ------------------------------- About the Game ============== This is a simple but surprisingly absorbing patience card game that you can learn in a minute or two. Although at first it seems so simple that you may think there is no skill in it at all, you will soon start to find that there's more to it than you first thought. This version is my first program of any size for the Psion though I have been programming GUIs for almost 10 years now, mostly on OS/2. I was keen to give the game a good look and feel so you will find fully formed playing cards, nice animation of cursor movements and prompted and automatic playing modes that can help you learn the game. Hope you enjoy it! Installation ============ There are only two files to download to your Psion: FRSOL.OPA - the program file FRSOL.PIC - contains card images etc. Download FRSOL.PIC into the OPD directory and FRSOL.OPA into the APP directory. You can then install the program in the usual way (Psion-I) and then start playing immediately. The program requires less than 18k of space to install and around 30-40k of free memory to run. Until you have registered, the About panel is displayed when you start the program and every time you start a new game. This panel can be cleared by pressing any key but only after a pause of a few seconds. The High Scores panel maintains a record of the best 5 scores (actually the lower the score the better - perhaps it should be called the Low Scores panel?) but this information is lost when you end the program. Registering allows these scores to be remembered indefinitely. Registration ============ If you like this program, please support the development of further shareware by registering. The benefits to you are: - The High Scores information is maintained indefinitely. - The About panel will not appear every time you start a new game and if you choose to display you can remove it immediately by pressing any key. - You will have the pleasure of seeing your name on the About panel. - You use of the program will become legal. Although I will always welcome bug reports or suggestions for improvements from registered users, I cannot guarantee to fix bugs or make enhancements. The registration fee is œ8.99 which should be paid using the Software Registration facility on Compuserve (GO SWREG - registration number to be supplied soon). When you have registered I will send you, by Compuserve e-mail, a key that you can enter into the Restristration Panel (Psion-R in the game), which will immediately unlock it. Although I would normally intend to respond within a week, there may be times when I can't access Compuserve for up to four weeks. Therefore, if you don't receive a registration key immediately, please be patient and accept my apologies in advance. I will do my best to provide a good service most of the time. Change History ============== 19/12/96 - Version 1.0 released. Copyright and Disclaimer ======================== This program is owned by and is Copyright R A Chambers, 1996. You may install it and use it for a period not exceeding one week, after which you must either register it with the author as described above or remove it from your computer. This software is supplied as is and no responsibility can be accepted for any ill effects or loss of data that may result from its use on your machine.