Installation and notes If the file is unzipped with the "-d" option then the files will be put in their correct directories. They then have to be copied to the same directories on the same drive on the Psion. (Assuming that they have not been unzipped in situ.) The 5 *.OPO files go into \OPO\, 2 *.FON files go in \FON\. The one GRMNHELP.RSC (the help file; omit if wished) goes in \OPD\. Similarly GRMNHELP.WRD is the help file in word processor format; and is not used by the program. The single GARMENU.SCR file goes in any \SCR\ directory but is optional and only for those who might modify this source file. Otherwise put the GARMENU.SCO file in any \SCO\ directory and execute it there. Either the SCRIPT.ALS editor file should be installed for modifying the *.SCR file or the COMMS.APP built-in application for executing the *.SCO file. The application GARMEDIT.OPA can go anywhere in the same drive since it merely has to be installed from there; \APP\ is customary. The optional WAYDUMMY.DBF file for setting up labels must go into \GARWAY\ on the same disk as the others. GARMCNVT.OPO is the raw waypoint binary data converter module. As well as being run from GarmEdit it can be run under RunOPL as a separate program. Please feel free to send comments to Mike Coon ( or For additional discussion, perhaps see