The Gastech Suite ¸ 1998 S.L.Brown. All Data used in this Suite is taken from the November 1994 Corgi Gas Installer Manual. To contact the Author of this software E-Mail:- Post:- S.Brown. 108 Lomond Rd. Hull. HU5 5BP. The object of writing this suite of programs was to make my life a little easier. Having spoken to a few other gas installers it seems quite a few are Psion owners. So I decided to make these small Programs available to anyone who cares to use them. NO RESPONSABILATY WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY FLAWS OR FAULTS IN THIS SUITE OF PROGRAMS. YOU USE THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED To use the programs copy all *.pic files into M\Icons directory and all *.opa files in your M/app directory. Then istall in the normal way (Psion+I) So far I have written a Gas pipe sizing program, a BTU to Kilo-Watt converter and a Gas Rating program I intend to write a program to calculate ventilation requerments for gas appliances. If you send me a cheque for Five Pounds I will send you the latest vesions of my suite as well as any new Additions. To encourage me to improve and add to these Programs Please send œ5 to the address below and in return I will send you the latest version plus any addsions I have made to the suite. To contact the Author of this software E-Mail:- Post:- S.Brown. 108 Lomond Rd. Hull. HU5 5BP. If you find any bugs or faults please report them to the Author. BUT! DONT FORGET TO DISCONNECT,LABEL AND ISSUE A WARNING NOTICE.