GEDFRIED - a GEDCOM Family Tree Reader (c) Rolf Aeschbacher 1995 - Freeware Version 1.01 This is a simple reader for standard GEDCOM files. It can handle files of up to 64k bytes length. The GEDCOM source is only read - no change can be done by the program. GEDCOM stands for GEnealogical Data COMmunication. The find out more about the GEDCOM format, visit the genealogy forum on Compuserve (GO ROOTS). Installation: Copy Gedfried.opo into any \opo\ directory and start it from the list under the RunOpl icon. Copy any GEDCOM files into a \wrd\ directory. Disclaimer: Although I tested the program, I cannot guarantee that it works as expected. The GEDCOM standard is pretty complex and oversights can happen. Use the program with that fact in mind - I can take no responsibility. This program is free, copyrighted by me. I only ask you to send me a mail/postcard/letter and let me know that you are using it (and tell my about grammatical mistakes in this documentation - my English is not on a high level :-) . Comments, bug reports etc. are very welcome. Rolf Aeschbacher Bacheggweg 2 CH-8424 Embrach Switzerland Compuserve: 100116,3357 What you should know about GEDFRIED ----------------------------------- The GEDCOM source is assumed to be correct and uncorrupted. If this isn't the case, strange things may happen. Be very carefully if you edit a GEDCOM file with a texteditor. 'Find name' searches for names of individuals. 'Find text' searches all fields of an individual's record. The latter can be used to search for notes or for tags like OCCU (occupation), which the program doesn't display (yet). A search can be aborted by pressing ESC. If you select 'List names' a long list of all individuals is prepared and displayed. Currently this list is unsorted. To distinguish the sex, males have their name printed in bold text style and females in normal text style. From the list of children you can press ESC to go back to their parents and from the list of spouses you can press ESC to go back to their husband/wife. There are two kinds of notes: a) Records in note form. These are notes to the GEDCOM file itself. The number of notes can be viewed in the statistics dialog. See 'Source search' below for viewing these notes. b) Notes to an individual. These can be printed on the screen by the program. Notes can be very long. If an individual has a note, you will be able to select the top line in the dialog. If you do this, the program prints line by line of the note and then waits for a keypress. Note that you can press CTRL-S (STRG-S on German machines) to pause the output and then CTRL-Q or SPACE to continue. When selecting a person, 'Generation XX' is displayed at the bottom right corner for a few seconds. This indicates how many generations you went back or forth from the first individual that was displayed. This program can display up to four spouses. If a person has/had more than one spouse, just the number of them is shown in the main dialog. By selecting this line (press Enter) a special dialog with the names of the spouses together with their number of children is presented. From there you can select the spouse or children you want. Statistics: This dialog displays the number of individuals and families in the GEDCOM file that has been opened. Also, the number of records that are unknown to the program - if any - are displayed. Such a record could be a SUBM (submitter name and address) record etc. You don't have to worry about unknown records except the program reports many of them. Source search: This menu choice lets you view the GEDCOM source. If you don't enter a search text the hole file will be printed to the screen record by record. Enter NOTE as search text and choose 'Search in record header' to view notes to the GEDCOM file; choose 'Search in hole record' to view also notes to individuals.