BUGS.TXT: Comment on bugs in Geni ================================= I am not aware of any bugs in Geni or Ged2Geni otherwise I wouldn't release the program for you to use! However, if you do find a problem then PLEASE tell me and I will fix it right away. I cannot do anything unless users tell me when things go wrong. ONE IMPORTANT point is that you should not use Ged2Geni to create a Geni file on your Flash disk. If you want to keep your Geni database on a Flash disk you must create it either on the internal drive or a RAM disk first and then copy it onto the Flash disk. I hope to rectify this problem for version 2.00. Problems with Geni 1.50 ======================= Geni 1.50 was quite a major upgrade from Geni 1.20 and like many new products it suffered from one or two teething problems. Hopefully these have all been fixed in this version (1.51). The known problems with Ged2Geni 1.50 are: * Crashes with a LOADO error if GEDLIB.BIN or TAGLIB.BIN are incorrectly installed. Early releases of Geni 1.50 also crashed if these files were not on the internal drive. * Crashes with "Service not supported" if GEDLIB.BIN or TAGLIB.BIN were corrupted during installation. * Extremely slow processing of GEDCOM from Family Tree Maker. Users with this problem will find Ged2Geni 1.51 is nearly twice as fast now. * GEDCOM from PAF 3.0 wasn't dealt with properly which meant Geni wasn't able to display christening or burial details. Problems with Geni 1.50 are: * Crashes with a LOADO error if GENILIB.BIN was incorrectly installed. * Crashes with "Service not supported" if GENILIB.BIN was corrupted during installation. * Pressing the DIAMOND key to move from the details display back to the tree display didn't work. Users had to press the key twice. * A couple of mistakes in the detailed help system were found. ================================================================ (c) Martin N Dunstan (mnd@dcs.st-and.ac.uk) February 17th 1998 ================================================================