UPGRADE.TXT: Upgrading from an older version of Geni ==================================================== If you are a registered user of Geni and are using version 1.00 then you will need to remove all the Geni files from your Psion and start a completely fresh installation. This is because Geni has changed a lot since version 1.00 was released. One important feature of Geni 1.50 and 1.51 is that the old RdGed program has been changed into an application called Ged2Geni. It has a rather strange icon which is divided into two parts across the diagonal. The top left corner contains some text representing a GEDCOM file while the bottom right corner displays a stylised Geni tree. Users of Geni versions 1.10 and later should copy M:\APP\GENI\GENI.RSC file from their Psion and save it onto their desktop machine. Remove all Geni files and uninstall the Geni icon from the Psion system screen. Now start a completely fresh installation and after it has finished copy the GENI.RSC file back again. If you do not save this file your registration details will be lost and Geni will think you have an unregistered copy. Type in the details you were given when you registered or contact the Geni programmer for assistance (see README.TXT). Note that unless you have been using Geni 1.50 you will need to delete your old Geni databases and recreate them from the GEDCOM using Ged2Geni. Users of Geni 1.50 should delete all the files in \APP\GENI\ and \APP\GED2GENI (after saving \APP\GENI\GENI.RSC somewhere safe). ================================================================ (c) Martin N Dunstan (mnd@dcs.st-and.ac.uk) February 17th 1998 ================================================================