Geographical Database ===================== Welcome to Geographical Database, your handy Pocket Road Altas for the Psion Series 3a and 3c machines. Please note that this application is Shareware and needs to be registered if you wish to continue to use it. The unregistered version will keep displaying a "nag" screen to remind you to register. Registration costs 24 pounds (incl. VAT) and will provide you with the latest copy of Geographical Database along with a complete user manual. Registration is FOR LIFE and entitles you to FREE upgrades of the application along with FREE upgrades of the map data and FREE copies of any extra overlays and add-on utilities that will be posted via our web-site from time to time. Please send registration payment made payable to "Fawnbench Ltd." at P.O. Box 226, Bagshot, Surrey GU19 5YY. Alternatively you can register on-line via our web-site: Installation Instructions ========================= You will first need to unzip the file using pkunzip or similar. Make sure you use the -d option to retain the original directory structure of the files. All the unzipped files will then need to be copied to one of your disks on your Psion machine. You can always separate the files onto different disks to distribute the disk usage as long as you retain the directory structure. For reference, the file sits under the APP\ directory and all .gbn, .idx and .def files sit under the APP\MAP\ directory. Once copied you can install the application as usual by using ^I (Apps/Install) from the system screen. Customising Overlays ==================== A variety of overlays have been supplied with this version. If you would prefer not to have them all loaded to reduce disk usage then simply remove the overlays from \APP\MAP\ that you do not require. The next time Geographical Database starts it will not include them within its list of overlays. GPS (Global Positional System) ============================== This is an add-on piece of software which adds GPS facilities to Geographical Database. Once installed a GPS receiver can be used to keep the map display permanently showing your exact location. The latest copy can be downloaded from our web-site free of charge. Extra Overlays ============== Geographical Database has been designed to be opened-ended such that extra geographical overlays can be added at any time. Anything from a full set of Post Codes to Lat/Long grid lines can be simply plugged in. These will be posted to our web-site from time to time and can be downloaded free of charge. Digital Map Data (c) 1996 The Automobile Association Software (c) 1994-1997 Fawnbench Ltd. All rights reserved Fawnbench Ltd. P.O. Box 226, Bagshot, Surrey GU19 5YY Tel.: +44 (0)1276 451239 E-mail: Web: