Glider 1.0 for the Psion Series 3 Computer by Clarence K. Din BASED ON THE MACINTOSH GAME OF THE SAME NAME! DISTRIBUTION NOTICE: You may give this game to anyone with a Psion S3, provided that you include this notice with the game and tell that person that you encourage him or her to send me the shareware fee (hint hint). INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Simple. There are three files: glider.txt (this file), glider.opa, which goes in the \APP directory and glider.pic, which goes in the \OPD directory. At the main System screen, press the MENU button and enter the Apps menu. Select Install Application and call up Glider as the file name (it's in the \APP directory). Press ENTER and Glider should be installed and on the main System screen with its own glider icon. Select the Glider icon and press ENTER to run. OBJECT: Maneuver your glider through room after room full of obstacles. YOU: You are, quite simply, a paper airplane with one "life." Your main purpose in life is to survive as long as possible. You can die in many, many ways: impalement by spike, diving into a floating or fixed object, or crashing helplessly on the ground. THEM: There are 4 types of objects which act as obstacles in your path to freedom: puff vents, spikes, fans, and helicopters. There are two puff vents in two locations on the screen. These vents will help your glider rise. Quickly moving your glider left and right over the vents will increase your height as high as the ceiling. Seldom can you crash into a puff vent, but if you do, you die. Spikes protrude from the ground or ceiling in stalagmite or stalagtite formation (sort of). Crashing into a spike will cause sudden death. Fans are located on the rightmost part of the screen. Their purpose is to blow your glider away from your goal of flying out of the room. A combination of puff vent and fan may cause you to twirl helplessly in the air (a neat effect). You can get out of this predicament by quickly moving your glider left or right. Hitting a fan will kill you. Helicopters are located in random areas on the screen, mostly on the leftmost portion of the room. Their main goal is to obstruct your path to success. Hitting one is fatal. CONTROLS: You have two basic controls: zip forward (right arrow key) and zip backward (left arrow key). You can fly very quickly forward by pressing the right arrow key many times in rapid succession. Not pressing any keys causes your glider to coast forward, but don't hit the ground! At any time, you can press ESC to quit the game. HOW YOU CAN CRASH: What you really have to look out for is the very tip of your glider. So long as you can get the tip of the glider between the narrow gaps made by some of the obstacles, you'll be well on your way to freedom. Also, when you zip backward, keep an eye out for the front portion of your glider and keep it away from all obstacles. INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT LEVELS The first, and perhaps second, rooms are ridiculously easy. You basically have a room with two puff vents and two spikes. These easy levels will teach you how to control your glider. Your score is determined by how quickly you can traverse through a room. An internal timer begins at 100 ticks and quickly counts down to 0. When you reach the rightmost side of a room, a victory beep sequence will play and the time left on the internal timer will be added to your score. When you crash, the screen will say so and ask if you wish to glide again. As you score more points, more obstacles will enter your path. After 50 points are scored, a fan will appear. After 150 points, a helicopter will appear. After 300 points, a third spike will appear, this time from the ceiling. After 500 points, the spikes get a little longer. Surviving after 500 points is a matter of luck and skill, so keep on gliding! FOR FIRST-TIME PILOTS First-time gliders will invariable crash due to the uniqueness of the glider's flight properties. Don't despair! You'll get the hang of it! Just keep practicing! On fan levels, sometimes the rightmost spike is unnervingly close to the fan. You get past the spike, but then the fan blows you towards the spike! Don't despair! Remember that you basically have to concern yourself only with the front part of the glider. Sometimes a fan is blocking so much of the rightmost middle portion of the screen that the only way you can get past it is by flying under it. We'll let you figure this one out! It's easy once you get the hang of it! FOR THE IMPATIENT - HOW TO CHEAT You can get through a suprising number of levels by simply pressing the right arrow key rapidly throughout the game. My personal best with this method is 568 points, but the fun of flight was removed. Take heed! You will eventually crash even with this "cheat." THIS PROGRAM IS SHAREWARE! If you like it, please send $10 to Clarence Din, 2215 Arch Street # 405, Philadelphia, PA 19103. I'll send you back a printed copy of the source code and keep you informed of any new revisions.