WORLD CLOCK (- Version 1.1) by Andrew Leonard March 1996 THIS IS A SHAREWARE PROGRAM AND IF YOU LIKE IT AND FIND IT USEFUL THEN PLEASE REGISTER IT BY FOLLOWING THE COMMANDS IN THE REGISTRATION PART OF THE PROGRAM. First Time Use: Load the following files into the directories stated: GMTDIF.opa - App Clock.pic - \timedif\clock.pic Clock1.pic - \timedif\clock1.pic Clock2.pic - \timedif\clock2.pic Clock3.pic - \timedif\clock3.pic Clock4.pic - \timedif\clock4.pic Clock5.pic - \timedif\clock5.pic maintim.odb - \timedif\maintim.odb settings.odb - \timedif\settings.odb times.odb - \timedif\times.odb countr.odb - \timedif\countr.odb Once all files are loaded, select "Apps" from the Psion system menu and then select Install. Then locate GMTDIF and select. I suggest that you assign GMTDIF to "DATA + TIME" button under "Apps" in the main system menu and locate the application between the built in TIME and WORLD applications. UPGRADE FROM VERSION 1.0 TO 1.01 Just copy the following files over Clock4.pic - \timedif\clock4.pic GMTDIF.opa - App settings.odb - \timedif\settings.odb QUESTIONAIRE - WORLD CLOCKS V1.1 - March 1996 The only way I can develop useful applications and improve existing ones is by receiving feedback from users concerning their life styles and use of the Psion and other computers: So please take five minutes and complete this. Once completed either EMail it to me on -Compuserve 101576,64 as a message or a text file. Alternatively print it out and post it to me at the following address: Andrew Leonard P.O. Box 9115 London SW11 5ZF Mr/Mrs/Ms: - Name: - EMail No: - Address: (Optional) - Occupation: - Interests: - Psion Applications you frequently use: - What applications would you like to see in the future?: - Do you own or use other types of computer, if so list below with a brief description of their use: - THANK YOU! REGISTRATION FORM - "World Clocks - version 1.1" Please complete the following: Mr/Miss/Mrs Name:_______________________________________________ Surname: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Post Code: __________________________ Tel. (Hm) : __________________________ (Work):________________________ E-MAIL: _________________________________ Please send me the code for World Clocks 1.1 I enclose a cheque/postal order in the sum of £10 (British Pounds) made payable to Mr A E Leonard Please send payment along with this completed form to A. LEONARD P.O. Box 9115 London SW11 5ZF