GAMEPAK1 light - release 4 - contains:- Casino Black Jack - V 3.7 Robo Dungeon - V 3.5 Connect 4 - V 3.7 Light Cycles - V 3.6 L.E.M. - V 1.3 This is a special release of GAME PACK 1, it includes only a few of the most important sound files, for those who are short of space. If you can spare the space, try the full version, the sounds really improve the games. These programs can be registered individually (details within each program) or all together at a specially discounted price of 50 US DOLLARS or 25 UK POUNDS. If you register, and later wish to use the full release of GAME PACK 1 with the extra sounds, you will NOT need to re-register. If your sevice provider is Compuserve, you may register electronically, by running your Compuserve Information Manager software, click on the traffic lights, and type SWREG and press enter. The GAMEPAK1 registration ID is 14033. Alternativly send Cash (25 UK POUNDS or 50 US DOLLARS), U.K. Cheque or U.K. Postal Orders for 25 POUNDS made payable to B Vaughan (No foreign cheques please). to: B Vaughan 25 Upper Bevendean Avenue, Brighton East Sussex BN2 4FG ENGLAND INSTALLATION ============ Installation is very simple, first you will need an APP directory and a PSITECHA directory. If you do not have these, here is how to create them... ----- Press the SYSTEM button Press the MENU key Under 'Disk', select 'make directory' and press ENTER Next to 'Name' type APP Select the disk you wish to use, 'Internal, A or B' and press ENTER Now use the same method to create a directory called PSITECHA, this time typing PSITECHA next to 'Name' instead of APP. ----- The PSITECHA directory does not need to be on the same disk as the APP directory You may only have 1 PSITECHA directory, either in the Internal memory (M) or (A) or (B). Now you need to copy over the files, if you don't know how to do this, look in your users manual. Copy all the files ending with .OPA to the APP directory. Copy all the remaining files except this one into the Psitecha directory. Once the files have been copied, press the System button, then the Menu key, and under 'Apps', select 'Install', select the disk that you copied files ending with .OPA to, then select the name of the program you wish to install, and press Enter. Repeat this process until all the programs have been installed. Visit my Homepage to download the latest versions of these and any new releases at: Please Email me at (, and I will let you know when I release new programs. Please do register my programs, and I will keep writing new one's for your enjoyment. ENJOY..... Ben Vaughan.