Receiving the time "GPS-Time" basics This program will receive time information from orbiting GPS satellites via GPS navigation equipment, and set the Psion clock and or record the error. The GPS set has to output data which includes "$GPGSV" sentences. These are likely to be included by any NMEA-capable GPS. Time Zone The time zone set in the Psion (not in the GPS) is not displayed directly but will effect the calculation of local time. The time given by GPS is in GMT or UTC. Both the UTC and the local ised versions of the time are displayed. The time zone is not merely the geographic one but includes Daylight Saving if this is set by the "Clock" built-in Psion application. Error handling The program endeavours to cope with problems with data from the GPS set. If the 3-Link is absent this is discovered immediately. If the GPS is not sending data then the program will time it out. The data from GPS must contain "$GPRMC" for time signals to be decoded. This sentence must appear within the first 20 lines or the program will give up. The date and time are given in a simple fixed format and are parsed by counting commas. If digits of the date or time are not in place then the erroneous input is displayed with the faulty characters indicated. If the date or time are faulty then just the input is shown. If problems are found, try the Psion Comms application using: Port "TTY:A"; Setup (Baud=4800; Data=8; Stop=1; Parity=None; Handshake=XonXoff; Newline="<$0D>") Adjustment The clock adjustment is made by the num ber of seconds shown in the dialogue. The time is NOT set to the localised GPS time, so any delay in answering the dialogue does not matter. There is no way of altering the adjustment that will be made. The log file The name of the log file is chosen using a special dialogue. If the file already exists then its contents may be replaced by the new single entry or the new entry added to the end. The file selection dialogue is repeated until the answers are consistent with the state of the file discovered. If the write fails, perhaps because the file is currently open, the dialogue is repeated ready for another attempt. If the dialogue is abandoned then clock adjustment, if it was requested, will already have taken place. Logging The logging of the current (UTC) time, the error in seconds and whether the correction was applied does not currently have a defined purpose. It is intended in the future to support periodic adjustment to correct the average daily error. The current time is recorded in days and deci mal days since 1/1/1970. Any calculation should be independent of changes in time zone. The indicator of whether a change was made is 1 for change and 0 for none, so it can be used as a multiplier of the error to get the alteration.. Further reading A number of places around the world offer a dial-up time service to anyone with a computer, modem and corresponding software. The service from NIST is really intended for use via PCs so PC software is available from them. Mike Coon has written a freeware equi valent for the Psion 3A. The PC software can be obtained for free ftp download from: or for $42 on diskette by post from: Office of Standard Reference Materials, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, 20899, (301) 975-6776 Other software for connecting GPS sets to Psion is available. Look for PsiGar (only for Garmin GPS) from Jonathan Duff or for TDCGPS from Simon Taylor. Additional technical information More information about GPS data and NMEA in general Software and additional detail can be obtained from WWW. About program and author "GPS-time" Version 1.0, written by Mike Coon of UK. Contact Usual restrictions placed on freeware apply.