Graph ===== by Martin Budden martinjb@cix Graph plots 2D and 3D mathematical functions. To install it put it in the \OPO directory on any drive. Functions should be entered in standard OPL notation. Note that the variables x, y and z should be entered in lower case, this is so that they are not confused with X, Y and Z that occur in function names (eg EXP). Any ideas for an icon would be appreciated. All the fuctions are seeded, any ideas for more interesting fuctions (especially the for 3D surface) would also be appreciated. Settings Menu ------------- Axes origin Ploting intervals Sets various plotting intervals. More intervals generally give a smoother plot, but take longer. Surface hatch Sets the density of the hatch for 3D surface plots. Viewing angle Sets the viewing angle for 3D plots. Preferences 3 settings: Use normalised axes: the axes limits are adjusted to be round numbers (ie nEx, where n is 1, 2 or 5). Use Function graphics update: if set the screen is updated more frequently when plotting functions (so the plot is slower). Use Surface graphics update: if set the screen is updated more frequently when plotting surfaces (so the plot is slower). Plot Menu --------- The screen is not cleared between plots (as long as the dimension is not changed) this allows functions to be superimposed on each other. Function Plots y as a function of x Curve Plots x,y as a function of t 3D curve Plots x,y,z as a function of t Surface Plots z as a function of x,y. The surface can be plotted as either as a hatch, or as contours (or a combination of the two). Special Menu ------------ Clear screen Cursor Displays a line cursor, so that values can be read off a plot (only works is the most recently plotted function was y as a function of x. View normalised axes View the normalised axes settings. View normalised origin View the normalised origin settings. Exit === END ===