PSION CONTEST KEYER A PSION CONTEST KEYER =================== Description ----------- Tired of lugging a heavy laptop around? Put it into your shirt pocket! The Hamkey1.opa program turns your PSION into a full-fledged cw contest/dxpedition keyer/logger, provided you have a 3-LINK RS232 cable. With a simple hardware interface (1 npn transistor and 1 resistor) it will key your transceiver with up to 40 wpm. Of course not only for working the WPX, but also for casual portable qrp operating... Features: * Program 10 messages on the fly.. * Logs contest qso in format compatible with PSION QSO LOG program * Dupe check * Automatic serial nr. insert optional * Supports RUN mode as well as "Search & Pound" mode * Keyer speeds 10 ... 40 wpm * Auto cq loop with programmable pause * Tune button * Log view (As all my tranceivers have a built-in keyer, I did not (yet) include a iambic keyer. If there are enough requests for it I could think of incorporating one in a future release, but I'd like to keep the code as small as possble.) For casual operation this keyer + PSION QSO LOG form an ideal combination. Installation ------------ After unzipping, copy the following files into: Hamkeyd1.opa \APP\ (Keyer program) Msgkey.rsc M:\OPD\ (Help file) Keymsg.dbf M:\LOG\ (Example messages) Testlog.log \LOG\ (Empty log file) Logprint.opo \OPO\ (Log formatting utility) Install the opa in the normal way with PSION_I. The Logprint facility uses RUNOPL. The logfiles can be int he \LOG\ directory on any drive. Msgkey.rsc and Keymsg.dbf MUST be on the internal drive! Hardware interface ------------------ The software toggles DTR (pin 6 on a DB25 plug). Connect the emitter of an npn transistor (BC107) to pin 7 (DB25, grnd). Connect a 10 kOhm resistor between pin 6 (DB25, DTR) and the base. Connect a cable between pin 7 and transceiver grnd, resp. collector and key input of the trx. The whole interface can be housed in the DB25 plug. If your trx has no built-in keyer you wire it in parallel to the keyer you normally use (or to a straight key..). Quick start ----------- Start the program from the System screen and try MENU and HELP. Change the messages into anything you like.. (messages 6...0 with shift-M) and try it out.. The keyer will remember them for you. A log file is only used in CONTEST/DXPEDITION mode. Use a separate file for every contest, so qso nr starts with 001. Messages 1...5 have a special meaning in contest mode. OPERATION --------- Casual operating: In normal operating mode the keyer has only 2 functions: * Call cq (excellent for qrpp) * replay one of 10 messages. The messages can be programmed with the "m" (1...5) or "M" (6...0) keys. Pressing one of the number keys (1,2 .....0) will replay a message. Speed can only be set between messages. The cq loop is started with "c". This will repeat message 1 until you hit a key. The pause between cq's can be changed (default is 3 secs.). As the psion radiates some rf (especially the screen) you can switch the psion into SLEEP mode with the DELETE key if necessary. This is sometimes handy when operating portable, and the psion sits next to the antenna! ESC will switch it on again (TRY THIS TONITE WITH YOUR 486 !!). Contest/dxpedition operating: For contest operating the keyer has some extra functionality: * Logging , and * Dupe checking. In a CW contest there are different exchange sequences for RUN mode and for S&P (or "Hunt and Peck") mode. You can switch between these modes with the TAB key. Messages 1...5 have a special meaning for contesting, as the keyer has been optimized for fast operation. RUN MODE (also dxped.): Msg 1: CQ string (also used for CQ loop) Msg 2: Exchange. If serial nr. is ON, this is added to the report. Msg 3: TU message S&P MODE: Msg 4: Call used Msg 5: Acknowledgement + Exchange (+ serial nr.) RUN mode: --------- ACTION EXAMPLE KEYER OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------ Press "c" cq cq..... Press ENTER Press ENTER Input the CALL DJ0LN press ENTER. DJ0LN 599001 Input Exchange 320 press ENTER TU PA0RCT S&P Mode: --------- ACTION EXAMPLE KEYER OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------------------- Press ENTER Input Call DJ0LN Press ENTER PA0RCT (Press ENTER 2x) (PA0RCT) Input Exchange 320 Press ENTER TU UR 599001 above sequences are a representation of common practise during the "big ones". Of course you are free to "lengthen" the exchanged info, but remember this is a CONTEST. You will notice that the only key you have to remember is the ENTER key. This simplicity of operation is compatible with TRLOG, the best PC contest logger from N6TR which I use for the "big" contests. Dupe check ---------- Dupe check works only in contest mode. If a call is already in the log for the band you are on, the program will refuse the qso. If you wish to log anyway, put a DOT before the call. File compatibility ------------------ You can start a new logfile from the system screen (System menue, New file). The files generated by the program are compatible with the DATA application. Moreover, they are compatible with PSION QSO LOG, which allows you to simply merge the contest log into your qso master file. PSION QSO LOG also includes a simple (slow) sort function to re-sequence your log in case the DATA application dumps your updated records at the end of the file, but you can use a lot of existing tools which are quicker.. Log printing ------------ The logprint.opo utility generates a printable formatted textfile. This can be changed with an appropriate text editor (e.g. WORD application in TEXT format). Timing ------ The keymsg.dbf file contains 1 parameter (6th line) which corrects the clock for UTC (-2 for Amsterdam summer time..). Change it with the DATA application (if you open a new log file the program asks you for this value..). Registration ------------ Yes, this program is shareware. Feel free to distribute it amongst your friends, unless you do not want to give them the same competitive edge.... If you decide to use the program, please send Hfl 15,- or any other money or cheque with comparable value (no coins or stamps please) to: Rein Couperus, Genderweg 15, 5521NX EERSEL, The Netherlands. Please indicate your Call and your email address (if available). This enables me to send you a personalized copy of the program without ads and nag screens, + free updates for 1 year. Comments, bug reports etc to: