HangMan V2.0 - (C) M Avey 1995 ------------------------------ This program is a major re-write of my original HangMan program for the Psion series 3a. Enhancements over the original version include:- * Now a type 2 application and therefore lists the category file names below the application icon. New files can be created by using the Psion-N keys * Improved graphics and user interface * New category files can be created as above, from within the program, or by using the built-in Data application, or another third-party application, such as JBData * Words can be deleted from or added to category files from within the program, or using other applications as noted above * Multiple words now supported, up to 29 characters including spaces * Game statistics show number of games played, number of games won and percentage won * Format function within program to remove all invalid words from categories * Extensive category information provided * Extensive on-line help available for all functions * Demo version supplied with a number of category files, including a 2,000 word general category. Registered version includes 18,000 additional words split across 9 categories to allow for easy storage. You can just keep the required categories on your machine as and when needed. Alterna- tively, the files can be merged together. Additional category files are under construction, including a 3,000+ Film's category Installation ------------ The files should be UnZipped using the -d option, to ensure that files are extracted into the correct directories. The location of files is as follows:- File Location ---- -------- HANGDEMO.OPA Any directory (normally App) *.HMD OPD\HANGMAN\HMD on any drive All other files OPD\HANGMAN on any drive Once copied onto the Psion, use Psion-I to install the program. Instructions on how to play the game, as well as other information, such as creating new category files, adding to and deleting from existing ones, can be found in the on-line Help which is available from within the program. Registration ------------ If you like this program, please consider registering it. For the cost of registration, you will receive the full unrestricted version of the program, plus the additional category files as above. I may also be tempted to write further programs! Registration can be:- via CompuServe, using SWREG ID number 8318. The cost of registration by this method is $10.00 US or by post, by sending a cheque for œ7.00 to:- 39 Union Street Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL52 2JN UK If you have an email address, please let me know so I can respond more quickly. Suggestions & Comments ---------------------- If you have any suggestions or comments regarding this program, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be contacted at:- email: maveya@cix.compulink.co.uk or CompuServe: 100640,2562 emails can also be sent via my WWW page. This page also holds additional information about HangMan and other programs. The URL is: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/groucho STOP PRESS ---------- As a bonus, and so you can see what multi-word category files play like, I've now included a sub-set of the Movies category file. Copy MOVIES.HMD to the OPD/HANGMAN/HMD directory. The full version will be made available to registered users.