PSIONWPDATAFILEêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê È:‚.ÆAr ¶3ÐÐÿÿðððROM::GENERAL.WDR%PPBTBody text Àððð Рp@ à°€PHAHeading A ÀààðРp@ à°€PHBHeading B ÀððxРp@ à°€PBLBulleted list ÿÿðÐhðð Рp@ à°€NNNormal ÿÿUUUnderline ÿÿBBBold ÿÿIIItalic ÿÿEESuperscript ÿÿSSSubscript ÿÿÈHERE IS A .DBF FILE FULL OF DIFFERENT MANUFACTURER USER DEFINED HARD DISK PARAMETERS.It is possible to configure any IDE drive with any parameters that produce a size close to that of the drive, so it is possible that if you have a hard disk in your system of one of the models here, that your parameters will differ.These are the parameters as recommended by the factory, I use these parameters on a day to day basis in my job as an engineer and find them invaluable and therefore please copy these files to your DAT directory and have an easier life, I can be reached at :Paul Gartside74 Mithras Gardens,Wavendon Gate,Milton Keynes,Bucks,MK7 7SY.Coming soon: A DBF file full of Novell Netware problems and answers.Disclaimer:It goes without saying if you should try to alter your own system hard disk parameters that you should have a full backup, IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT CMOS SETTINGS ETC THIS IS AN AREA OF YOUR COMPUTER YOU SHOULD NOT BE IN. ŠVBTNNBTNNéBTNNBTNN9BTNNBTNNµBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNN BTNNBTNNEBTNNBTNN BTNNBTNN|BTNNaBTNN