THIS TOOL IS NOT SUPPORTED BY PSION. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" BECAUSE WE BELIEVE IT MAY BE USEFUL TO YOU. WE REGRET THAT PSION IS UNABLE TO SUPPORT OR ASSIST YOU, SHOULD YOU HAVE PROBLEMS USING THIS TOOL. You have been warned !! The Help Editor =============== The help editor was written for the OVAL project, but we thought that it would be good to get it as a utility for developing help in a Windows environment. Designing help ============== The help window is split into two, the top being the topic text designer and the bottom being the related topic designer. The topic designer window, has a Topic Title box which enables you to select the current topic you wish to edit. You can change the topic title and then finalise it by pressing the return key. The Topic ID box allows you to set the corresponding id which will be used if the resource is saved in Resource Script format. (Not necessary when being save to binary help format). The Topic Text box contains the text which will appear in the help. The Toolbar =========== The toolbar has 8 buttons; Add Help - Adds a new topic. Remove Help - Removes the current topic. First Help - Sets the first topic as the current topic. Last Help - Sets the last topic as the the current topic. Add related topic - Allows you to add related topics to the help, you can select several topics, and then re-arrange their order within the related topics windows by drag-and-drop. Remove related topic - Removes the currently selected related topic. Insert symbol - Allows you to insert a special Psion symbol. This will appear in the text as it's character code between two $$'s. Preview help - Allows you to preview the current help with a certain wrap-around width. Loading/Saving ============== The help can be stored internally using the .hed extension. Loading and saving in the usual way. You can save in the packed binary format using the menu option, "Convert to help format". This will save the help with a .rsc extension. You can save in resource script format using the menu option, "Convert to resource script". This will save using the .hlp extension. Regards, Rob Cliff. Psion PLC.