HTML Kit (requires Tom Dolbilin's Macro System)
This kit contains this file (htmlkit.txt and htmlkit.wrd), a template for Word on the Psion 3a
(html.wrt) and a set of macros (in both raw (*.mcr) and translated (*.mco) form). The macros
will not run on their own; they need to be installed within Tom Dolbilin's Macro System. You
may use whichever of the macros you wish, in whatever way you wish. This document outlines one
way of working with the kit, and then describes what each macro does.
A suggested method of using the kit
The kit is probably best used in the following way.
Place the file html.wrt in a \wdr\ directory (on the internal disk, or SSD). Place the *.mcr
files in the \macro\mcr\ directory and the *.mco files in the \macro\mco\ directory (or their
equivalents on your system).
Create a new list for the Word application (at the System screen, press Psion-E whilst the
cursor is on Word programme), specifying a directory for storing your HTML files (\wrd\html\ is
suggested), the extension 'htm' for the files, the type as 'text editor'(this is essential),
then save the list with an the name 'html.als' (this will enable the list to use html.wrt as the
default template.
Any new files created under this list will pick up the HTML template, which includes the basic
tags for an HTML document.
Install the macros in your macro file, according to the instructions in that application, and
assign appropriate hot-keys to each one. You may find it useful to create a new file for this
purpose, given that there are so many macros in this kit.
Once the macros are installed and the macro system is running, it is possible to insert HTML
tags into your document. The macros will work in any macro-aware application, not just the text
What the macros do
This is not a complete set of HTML tags - it merely covers the elements I found useful. Most of
these macros were based on the macro bracket.mcr, which I found on Where HTML
tags come in pairs, it is possible to use the macro to 'wrap' existing text, or to place the tags
without wrapping text. The text to be enclosed within these tags should be selected in the
normal way before the macro is invoked. It is only possible to enclose text of 255 characters
or less in this way. If you select more text than this, the macro will still work, but the text
will not be enclosed.
The macros divide into a number of types - structural tags, lists, character styles and special
characters. Each description below is followed by an example of what the macro produces. No
attempt is made to explain when tags should be used, or the correct syntax for HTML documents.
These can be picked up from various books as well as documents on the web itself.
Structural Tags
Title: This macro will insert the tags required to enclose the title of an HTML document. This
----- macro is largely redundant, as these tags are included in the HTML template. The macro
may be used to enclose existing text, as in the second example.
H1: This macro will insert the tags required to enclose the first-level heading of an HTML
-- document. The macro may be used to enclose existing text, as in the second example.
H2: This macro will insert the tags required to enclose the second-level heading of an HTML
-- document. The macro may be used to enclose existing text, as in the second example.
H3: This macro will insert the tags required to enclose the third-level heading of an HTML
-- document. The macro may be used to enclose existing text, as in the second example.
H4: This macro will insert the tags required to enclose the fourth-level heading of an HTML
-- document. The macro may be used to enclose existing text, as in the second example.
H5: This macro will insert the tags required to enclose the fifth-level heading of an HTML
-- document. The macro may be used to enclose existing text, as in the second example.
H6: This macro will insert the tags required to enclose the sixth-level heading of an HTML
-- document. The macro may be used to enclose existing text, as in the second example.
Hlink: This macro will insert the tags required to link text to another file. The macro will
----- end by placing the cursor between the quote marks, ready for the author to insert the
URL of the other document, image or file. The macro may be used to enclose existing
text, as in the second example.
This is a link
Image: This macro will insert the tags required to embed an image in the HTML file. The macro
----- will end by placing the cursor between the first set of quote marks, ready for the author
to insert the URL or filename (if on the same system) of the image file. Provision is
also made for authors to specify the alignment of the image with neighbouring text, and
alternative text for use of those who will not see the image for one reason or another.
Anchor: This macro will insert the tags required to make text into an anchor within a file.
------ The macro will end by placing the cursor between the quote marks, ready for the author
to insert the unique name of the anchor. (This anchor should then be designated in a
URL in the following way:, where the name of
the anchor follows the hash sign (#), and the name of the file precedes it.) The macro
may be used to enclose existing text, as in the second example.
Para: This macro merely inserts the tag making divisions between paragraphs
Break: This macro merely inserts the tag for a linebreak. It may be used within a paragraph or
----- list item.
Rule: This macro merely inserts the tag for a ruled line.
These macros provide all that is required to create three kinds of list - ordered lists, unordered
lists, and definition lists.
Olist: Ordered lists consist of a set of list items enclosed within these tags. This creates a
----- numbered list. This macro can be used to enclose existing text - as in the second
example, but only up to 255 characters.
Ordered List
Ulist: Unordered lists consist of a set of list items enclosed within these tags. This creates
----- a bulleted list in most browsers. This macro can be used to enclose existing text - as
in the second example, but only up to 255 characters.
Listit: This macro creates the tag which marks each item within a list. It must be used between
------ the tags produced by the two previous macros (Ulist and Olist). Any number of list items
may be placed in a list, so long as each is marked by this tag.
Deflist: Definition lists consist of an item to be defined, followed by its definition as a
------- separate item. These are enclosed within the tags created by this macro. This macro
can be used to enclose existing text - as in the second example, but only up to 255
Definition List
Defterm: This macro creates the tag to mark the first element of any definition pair - the term
------- to be defined. It must be used between the tags produced by the previous macro
(Deflist). Any number of definition terms may be placed in the list, so long as each
is separately denoted by this tag.
Defdesc: This macro creates the tag to mark the second element of any definition pair - the
------- description of the term. It must be used between the tags produced by the previous
macro (Deflist). Any number of descriptive items may be placed in the list, so long as
each is separately denoted by this tag.
Character Styles
These macros may all be used to change the style in which text is displayed. The terms used
should be self-explanatory. I suspect, however, that the effect on-screen of italic, cited and
emphasised text may be the same for most browsers. All these macros may be used to enclose
existing text, as shown in the second example in each case.
------ Italic text
---- Bold text
----- Fixed font text
---- Cited text
-------- Emphasised text
Special Characters
These macros merely insert the character entity for some commonly found characters which HTML
documents cannot necessarily read in their raw form.
Lbr: Left angle bracket <
--- <
Rbr: Right angle bracket >
--- >
Amp: Ampersand &
--- &
Quot: Quotation mark "
---- "
Pound: Pound sterling £
----- £
Formal stuff
This HTML kit was created by Mark Gould ( or
I don't expect that the kit will cause any harm to come to your Psion, or you or your loved
ones, but bear in mind that I am a lawyer, not a programmer.