IMPORTANT INFORMATION ===================== !!!!!!!!! Special offer !!!! Special offer !!!! Special offer !!!!!!!!! Register HyperPoc until 15 May 1997 and receive a free registration number for the PocView image viewer. PocView can convert GIF, PCX, and BMP images into the PIC format. This is a great opportunity to enrich your HyperPoc cards with graphics and images. !!!!!!!!! Special offer !!!! Special offer !!!! Special offer !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Before unzipping the application files in PRODUCT.ZIP ! ! please read LICENS.TXT. ! ! You must not unzip PRODUCT.ZIP only if you do not ! ! agree with the contents of LICENS.TXT ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Installation ------------ Please see INSTALL.TXT. Registration ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- | Warning!!!!!!! | | This shareware version has been "crippled". | | To remove the "nag" screens that pop up after | | 10 cards had been created, please register. | ----------------------------------------------------------- Lite version ------------ The registration fee is A$59.95 + A$6.00 for postage and handling. We can send you a registration number by email and will send you the printed manual and a floppy with all of our shareware by mail. Please use the form ORDER.TXT. Post it via mail, email or FAX. Berthold Daum lichtbild pty ltd 21 Margate St. LPO Box 6011 Cromer, Vic 3193 Australia CompuServe 100026,3365 INTERNET: HomePage: fax: +61-3-9584 9638 Alternatively, you can register via CompuServe (GO SWREG): Author: Berthold Daum Program title: HyperPoc 2.4 lite S3/S3a Program name: Fee: US$ 49.95 plus postage and handling Professional version -------------------- The fee for the professional version consists of 1. Fee for lite version A$59.95 + A$6.00 postage and handling 2. Upgrade fee: A$39.95 Alternatively, you can upgrade via CompuServe (GO SWREG). If you not already have you need to register for HyperPoc LITE before you register for HyperPoc PROF. Author: Berthold Daum Program title: HYPERPOC V2.4 PROF (UPGRADE) Program name: Registration ID: 7207 Fee: US$ 29.95 Entering the registration number -------------------------------- Press MENU, / , ENTER, ENTER, then enter first name and the registration number. Note: The entered name must be part of the machines owner name. The registration number must be issued on the entered name. Professional version (S3a only) ------------------------------- If you plan to develop and to distribute own stacks, you need to distribute the HyperPoc runtime system as well. You have to register for the professional version, to be entitled to distribute the HyperPoc runtime system as part of your applications royalty free. The professional version has additional functions: - Preview and preplay functions during card editing - Import of TXT and WRD files into cards with automatic wrapping - Bring function to import text directly from other applications such as WORD, SHEET, DATA - Significantly improved performance. - More (and larger) icons (feel free to download the professional version and to use these icons for the LITE version) - True (undithered) grey support - ProPoc-HyperPoc connection (link ProPoc items to HyperPoc cards) HyperPoc Version 2.4 - Release Notes ==================================== Program Description ------------------- HyperPoc is a card oriented hypertext and hypermedia system. Cards are organised in stacks (files). Cards may be superimposed with backgrounds. Cards and backgrounds can contain a variety of objects, such as: application, bitmap (animated), card link, clock, explainer, hotTab, icon (animated), keyword, music, phone number, polyline, rectangle, text. Functions include: Invocation of Series 3 applications, several navigation functions, phone dialling, alarms, stopwatch. Comes with over 30 icons and 20 tunes. Applications ------------ Storing a network of informations. Multimedia documents. Suggestion for those who have megabytes of WORD-documents in their pockets: Create a card with a short description and keywords for each document and place a button for the document onto the card. Use the HyperPoc to find a document, press the button and your document shows up. Use HyperPoc as a database, e.g. for addresses. You may include graphics, link an address to another (e.g. a person to a company), display a clock with a time shift beside a phone number for overseas addresses (you don't want to call them at 3am !), link a word processor document to an address for a dossier of your last meeting, link an alarm clock to a person for her/his birthday, and so on. Requirements ------------ Please see the installation utility for detailled disk requirements. The total amount of disk space necessary for a full installation is approximately 150k. When active, the system requires >33k of memory, depending on the size of bitmaps used. MORPHEUS requires constantly 10k of memory. We recommend to install system, manual, icons and tunes on flash SSD. Platforms --------- This program runs on PSION S3,S3a,Siena and on Acorn PowerBook I & II in native mode. Tone dialling, music and wavesound are not available on Siena. On Acorn PowerBook I an extra OPL translator is needed to make use of the HyperPoc OPL programming interface. HyperPoc runs on the S3a emulator, but any sound function will result in a very basic ring. Also stop watches might not work properly. New in version 2.45 ------------------- - Support for SIENA. Both, HyperPoc LITE and HyperPoc PROF run now on Siena. Tone dialling, playing of music and wavesounds has been disabled on Siena. Stacks can be exchanged between Siena, S3a, S3c, S3. To view large cards, use CNTRL+cursor key to scroll. - 3 new card sizes have been added to match the Siena screen: 150x100,204x160,240x160. - A new option in "Card attributes" allows to change the size of individual cards (not on S3). It is possible to make cards smaller or larger than the default card size. If a card is smaller than the background (=default card size) only background items that fit on the card are displayed. The following card sizes are possible: S3-stacks: 50x20 - 240x80 (an S3 stack is a stack with a default size of 50x150 or 80x190 or 80x240 all other stacks: 50x20 - 480x160 New in version 2.40 ------------------- - True grey support in HyperPoc PROF Undithered grey in icons and bitmaps Grey option for frames, fills, polylines, and text. - It is now possible to place third party APP-applications on cards. - Animation is suspended when HyperPoc is sent to background - HyperPoc comes to the front when the stop watch expires and HyperPoc was in the background. - A new option for Explainers allows to display the explainer as soon the cursor moves on it. - The FIND dialogue will automatically pop up when a search has been repeatedly unsuccessful. New in version 2.33 ------------------- - Print option "Number of copies" added. New in version 2.32 ------------------- - Print margins added. (Printer setup) - Enhanced text printing. - full help text now also in LITE version New in version 2.31 ------------------- 1. Dial setup has been removed. Instead the system setup is used. New in Version 2.3 ------------------ 1. Revised setup procedure saves some flash memory when multiple applications are installed on one disk. 2. The program size of the LITE version has been reduced. 3. German language now available in LITE version, too. 4. Editor: Dragging rectangles. Press CAPS to move the whole rectangle instead of changing its size. 5. Printing: Improved speed for bitmap printing 6. Editor: New Bring function in PROF version to import text from other applications. Similar to the Bring function in WORD. New in Version 2.2 ------------------ 1. Text editing has been improved, using faster routines and a flashing cursor. 2. You can switch sounds off and on (Battery saver) 3. You can switch animation off (Battery saver) 4. The menus have been slighty rearranged. 5. There is a new function "Object Info" in retrieval mode 6. A new function "Import text" in the editor allows to place any text coming from an ASCII or WORD file on a card. Text emphasis from WORD files are maintained. (professional version) 7. You can now choose between different Card Sizes. The cards may be smaller or bigger than the physical screen. If they smaller they are piled on top of each other in a random fashion. If they are bigger, they are scrolled with the cursor movement, or you can scroll them with Control/Cursorkeys, to look into non cursor areas. 8. Links to Application completely redesigned. !!! This means that cards from earlier versions containing links to OPA's must be reedited !!! The benefit is greater flexibility and comfort when linking OPA's. 9. Support of Grey colour. In HyperPoc Grey is simulated as a b&w pattern. This is to save memory and keep the cards compatible with the S3-HyperPoc. 10. New attributes for text and rectangle. 11. Optional return to retrieval mode after editing HotTab objects. 12. Optional help clues for cards (HyperPoc card system can contain help information on cards) 13. Optional card lock to inhibit accidental editing of a card. (Card attributes) 14. Improved cursor logic. 15. Background can be suppressed for individual cards 16. Navigation by alpha-key has been extended from hypertext references to any type of named objects. Press the first letter of an object name and the cursor will jump there. 17. Objects can now have icon+name as representation. Documentation ------------- Use MANUAL.STA as an online documentation. Simply place the highlight on the italic keywords using the cursor keys, press Enter and move around from card to card. However, you may also use other navigation methods like PSON-F,-G,-R, etc. For a more comprehensive documentation in traditional printed form you will have to register. Use HPIF.DOC as a documentation for the interface for user written program objects. HPIF.DOC contains the latest information and may differ in parts from the printed manual.