DataImp PHOTO (c) Patrick Bell, 1996. -------------------------------------------------- Please look at README.TXT and DATAIMP.TXT first as they contain information for all DataImp modules! Quick Start ----------- 1. Copy DATAIMP.OPA and JBSORTB.IMG to \APP\ 2. Copy DATAIMP.HLP, PHOTO.OVL and PHOTO.HLP to \APP\DATAIMP\ 3. Install DATAIMP.OPA in the usual way (Psion-I) You should now have the DataImp icon with Photo underneath it. If you have installed any other modules such as VIDEO.OVL then these will also appear under the icon. The files JBSORTB.IMG, DATAIMP.OPA and DATAIMP.HLP are used for all the DataImp modules and only need to be loaded once. If you do download a newer version of any module you should also check you have the latest version of DATAIMP.OPA and DATAIMP.HLP and your other modules to ensure that the upgrade applies to all modules. PHOTO ----- The Photo module comprises 3 main screens: Films This shows the film reference, brand, format, comment, date bought / first used / expires, number of exposures and the speed. Photo's This screen shows the film reference, the exposure, description, location, comment, date taken and time taken. Matches This is identical to the recordings screen but shows any recordings you have selected via the Find menu option. When you have created any matches a screen is allocated to them. This uses 9K of RAM but when you remove all the matches this memory is released. The menu options that are module specific are as follows (refer to DATAIMP.TXT for general instructions). [In the following the left hand column denotes the key press for the function] Data ---- A Swap reference This enables you to give a film a new reference and will automatically relabel all the photographs stored on that film. Config ------ Q Defaults This allows you to choose: Film speed: Sets the default speed i.e. 200 ASA. No. of exposures: Sets the usual number of exposures on a film - it saves typing it each time. Film format: Again just a time saver - set to your usual format i.e. colour prints. Lens type: Again just a time saver - set to your usual i.e. 50mm, 28-105mm etc. plus the general DataImp choices. U User defined lists The Film format (Colour print, B&W slide etc.), Film brand (Kodak, Fuji etc.), Lens type (50mm, 28-105mm etc.), Developer (Kodak, Self, Sepia etc.) and Special effect (Brown filter, 1.2x converter etc.) are editable by the user. The number that appears to the left of each description is the reference that will be stored in your datafile. This means that if you swap Kodak for Fuji then all the films that you had described as Fuji will now be Kodak - therefore alter these with care or your descriptions could become meaningless.