INFOPLAY/3 a Infocom Adventure Player for the Psion Series 3 based on ZIP by Mark Howell 0. Overview Infoplay is a Player for the well known Infocom Text Adventure Games. Generally, it is based upon the portable Infocom Player ZIP by Mark Howell. I ported it to the EPOC O/S and made several changes to have it run under the constant low memory conditions imposed by the machine. Also, some attempts to incorporate the S/3 GUI have been made to improve "look & feel": There is a menu for Save/Restore/Quit, and the standard filename requester will be used for quering load & save filenames 1. Install On the S/3, create a directory named "IFA" and copy the "INFOPLAY.APP" file into this directory (see the MCLINK documentation for details). After that, you have to do "Install Application" from the system screen. "INFOPLAY.APP" will not be shown in the name selector because it doesn't reside in the /APP/ dir. However, use the TAB key to get a full file list and then select "INFOPLAY.APP" in the /IFA/ dir. You will need one or more Infocom "story.dat" files. If you have bought the games, you can find the "story.dat" on the main disk; otherwise you may have no chance to legally get one because, to my knowledge, Infocom is no longer with us. Rename the story files to storynam.IFA e.g. HITCHHIK.IFA ENCHANT.IFA ZORK1.IFA and copy them (via MCLINK) to a /IFA/ directory on the S/3. Because the story files are rather large, you may experience problem if you attempt to use the internal RAM disk for the IFA dir, because they will be no memory left to run INFOPLAY.APP. A Flash SSD may be a good solution. If all goes well, you should see the INFOPLAY icon on the main screen, along with the installed story files. Just select one to start it. 2. Author Please send bugs, flames and suggestions via EMail to: ZIP, from which the core code of Infoplay/3 is derived, is copyrighted by Mark Howell. Infoplay/3 is (c)opyright 1993 by Oliver Wagner and hereby released as Giftware: Copy it, upload it, give it to whom you want, do with it whatever you want. If you like it and want to spend some money (say $5 ;-), just send it to Oliver Wagner Landsberge 5 D-45549 Sprockh”vel Germany