Infrared Search Version 1.0, for Psion Siena --------------------------------------------- Thank You for Downloading Infrared Search! This program is freeware and can be freely distributed to people, and can be freely posted on web sites and BBS's, under the following conditions: 1. All the files must be kept together in one package, and in their original form. 2. The .OPA file may not be reverse translated or changed to benefit the user. 3. The program may not be sold or rented, in any fashion without my explicit permission. By installing the program, or distributing the package, you agree to all the terms stated above. Infrared Search remains the work of Thomas Yasin, Copyright 1998, and is valid under international copyright law. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, that's all the legal stuff over and done with. Now I can tell you about the program itself. What is Infrared Search? ------------------------- Infrared Search is a package that detects infrared radiation in the area around the Psion. There are two options, Raw Infrared reception, and IRDA reception. Raw Infrared is an option that picks up any infrared radiation. (It will even pick up the signals from your T.V. remote control.) IRDA Infrared is an option that only receives infrared from IRDA compliant organisers. (e.g another Psion or other Infrared enabled organisers). To make it clear. Infrared Search does not do anything that useful, apart from testing your T.V. remote control or IR port on any organiser, and just searching around for an Infrared source. This is my first proper program in OPL so forgive me if it is a bit primitive. Installation ------------- To install Infrared Search the following steps must be taken: 1. Make a directory on the Internal Drive called APP. 2. Using Psiwin, copy Irsearch.opa into that directory. 3. Go to the Apps menu, and go to Install. 4. Select Irsearch.opa, and Voila! There will be an icon with the words Irsearch underneath it. Just press Enter on it to run it. Disclaimer ----------- 1. This program was designed and Compiled on the Psion Siena. I do not garantee that it will run on any other type of Psion. 2. I do not accept responsibility for any loss of data, or damage to you, your Psion or any objects, associated by the use of this program. This program can be used at "Your own risk". Contacts --------- If you have any problems, questions, or suggestions about this program, please feel free to email me at: Have fun! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas Yasin Copyright 1998