JBCIS Version 1.2 (c)JBSoft 1995/6 ³ ÃÄ¿ ÀÂÁÄÙ ÀÄ¿ ÄÄÙ Overview ======== JBCIS is a utility that works with ReadCIS to help the functionality of that program. It does not work with any other program and, on its own, can only read the files generated by ReadCIS. With this in mind it is only being uploaded to CompuServe although it is also available on my Web page . The program is designed to read all messages, mail and services that have been downloaded by ReadCIS and also enable replying to mail and messages. Unlike the normal way of running ReadCIS whereby it is necessary to keep returning to the shell, once within JBCIS it is possible to remain there until it is time to upload the messages and replies to CompuServe (which is done within ReadCIS). The program may be installed in the usual way... 1. Copy the application to any \APP\ directory on any drive. If using ReadCIS 1.7 or above then the directory should be \APP\READCIS\. N.B. It is important that it resides in an appropriate directory otherwise ReadCIS can't find it! 2. If you wish to run the application from the System screen then install the application on the System screen using Psion-I and use the cursor keys to navigate to the appropriate drive and directory. Display the application as the filename in the dialog box then press Enter. If the application is only going to be run from within ReadCIS ratherf than from the System screen then it does not need to be installed on the screen (i.e. you can skip step 2). When installed the program would usually be run after the first pass of ReadCIS (which downloads the relevant mail and messages). Once started it is possible to remain within JBCIS until all mail, messages and services have been read and replied to. Only then is it necessary to return to ReadCIS to upload the created files. ReadCIS provides for any of JBCIS, TEXTVIEW, READER or VR3A as readers for Forum text (as well as Word) - if you select JBCIS and make a JBCIS.ON switch then, when you wish to read a section, JBCIS will be run automatically, loading in the appropriate file to read. Once within JBCIS you can remain there until you have finished reading, replying and creating new messages. Alternatively, you can return to ReadCIS after each section has been dealt with and move to a new section within ReadCIS. There are four parts to JBCIS: 1. Read, reply and create mail messages. 2. Read, reply and create Forum messages. 3. Read Services data (Weather, News etc.). 4. Read Archive files. Once the program has been started any file within the current section may be opened from screens other than the Edit screen using Psion-O. If you wish to switch to another section (Mail, Forums, Services, Archives) use Shift-Psion-O. This will initially produce a dialog showing a choice of Mail, Forums, Services and Archives. Once this choice of section has been made a dialog to choose the appropriate file will be shown. If no files exist in the relevant section and the ability to create outbound files is allowed then the option to create a message will be given. If 'Y' is pressed then you will be taken to the normal message creation screen relevant to the section you have chosen. For Forums and Mail you can choose to start up in the List mode - select this option using Psion-C and select the relevant item option from either Forum or Mail messages. The selection will be good for both Forums and Mail and, switching between them in JBCIS, will use this initial startup mode each time. The program can be exited using Psion-X or at any point using Psion- Esc. If Psion-Esc is used then the setup won't be saved. Requirements ============ A Psion S3a is required to run this application and around 100k of free memory is also required. N.B. It is advisable to only have one file open at a time (i.e. do not launch JBCIS more than once) as the memory requirements are too great to guarantee the second copy will run correctly. Fonts ===== The program automatically starts for the first time in the normal small font. On any subsequent launch it will start in the font you last used in the appropriate section. You can change the displayed font using Psion-Z or Shift-Psion-Z in a similar way to the built-in Psion applications. You can also toggle between Proportional and Monospaced type using Psion-P. All these options are related to the Service you are in and are remembered between sessions. The Archive section will make a best guess as to which section the file was originally in and display accordingly. This only works for the three Mail/Forums/Services setups - the Edit setup cannot be detected so outgoing messages in the archive will be displayed in the same way as incoming messages are formatted. There is a toggle provided to show the text in CIS format at 80 characters per line in a mono-font - Psion-D. This will remove the cursor from the screen although you can still move around in the normal fashion. This status is not saved between files or sessions and any adjustment to the display will revert the view to that previously selected. Setup ===== The Font, a seed for Find (purely to enable searching for your ID to find messages written by or to you or any other search constant you wish to use) and the formatting applied to viewed files are stored in a file in the \CIS\CONFIG\ directory as JBCIS.INI. The different sections are saved separately so that wrap and fonts for one section will not migrate to other sections. Formatting ========== The type of formatting that is used to view the message files can be selected from the Setup dialog accessed using Psion-W. There are two options, Internal or CIS. Internal makes the program format the text according to the font used - CompuServe keeps the formatting of the file as downloaded from CompuServe. You can also toggle the formatting using Psion-W. N.B. For Internet messages it is important that a WRAP80.ON switch is created otherwise you will have to edit the address before sending any reply. Navigation ========== There are several options available for navigating around the text files - these are... PgDn/Space - Page Down PgUp/Shift-Space - Page Up Psion-M/N/Enter/(PgDn) - Next message Shift-Psion-M/P/Shift-Enter/(PgUp) - Previous message Psion-T/Tab - Next Thread Shift-Psion-T/Shift-Tab - Previous Thread Ctrl-Home/F - First message Ctrl-End/L - Last message Ctrl-PgUp - Start of message Ctrl-PgDn - End of message Psion-L - List of messages The PgUp and PgDn action for the next and previous message can be toggled on and off using Psion-C to get to the configure dialog. Position -------- It is possible to show the distance travelled through a file in percentage terms. This is setup on the Configure dialog accessed using Psion-C. To see instantly the distance travelled use Psion-Q which will briefly display the same information. If you are at the end of the file an 'End' message will show briefly and if at the start of the file a similar message 'Top' is displayed. Bookmarks --------- It is possible to mark up to 10 points in a file using Psion-B. This will bring up a dialog for you to give a name to the point the cursor is at. To return to that point later use Shift-Psion-B and select the appropriate bookmark name. You can clear existing bookmarks by using Ctrl-B (this clears all bookmarks for a file) and you can edit existing bookmark names or delete a bookmark using Shift-Psion-C. If you select the same name as a previous bookmark when marking a location then you are given the option of overwriting the previous mark or selecting another name. The bookmarks are saved when the file is changed or closed down and only overwritten when a new file of the same name is downloaded. However, you will lose the bookmarks if the file is Archived (as one of the checks is the name). The file this information is kept in is called _JBCIS.BMK and is kept in the \CIS\ARCHIVE\ directory. Saving Messages etc. ==================== Individual messages can be saved to a file along with any marked text (marked text works in Services as well as Mail/Forums). Use Psion-A to access this - you will see a dialog requesting the name of the file to save to. If this file already exists then an option to overwrite the file or append the text will be given. If append is chosen the message will be added to the end of the file, otherwise the file will just contain the message and no previous ones. The message on the screen is the only one that can be saved in this manner, once you move to another message any marked text is discarded. In Services the operation is slightly different as the stories are not split up. Highlight the text to save using Shift and the cursor keys. This is then the text that will be written to the file as above. Whole messages can also be moved - use Shift-Psion-Q. Print Messages ============== Individual messages can be printed using Shift-Psion-P. Only the message displayed is printed and only in the format it is displayed in (no re-formatting takes place before printing). The printer can be set up by using Psion-Y although any changes made this way will only be remembered for the life of JBCIS, once it is closed down the setup is forgotten. N.B. Printing is not allowed in Services or Edit mode at present. Mail ==== To read mail messages, choose Mail from the Section Selection dialog (Shift-Psion-O) and then the file MAIL!.CIS and press Enter. The first mail message will then be displayed. Navigation is accomplished using the cursor keys to move around the message as you would in Word. You can also Page up and down using Space and Shift-Space. For a more complete list of keys, see above. Very large Mail messages can be read using the generic text viewer - if this mode is chosen then replies can't be created. See below for more details on this option. Reply ----- If you wish to reply to a message press Psion-R or just 'R'. This will take you to a new screen with the reply heading already inserted into your new message. Type the message as per normal and, once finished, press Psion-X to save the message and return to the mail file viewer. If you wish to abandon the message press Shift-Psion-X. Any text highlighted on the message before the reply is started will be automatically quoted in the reply. Whilst in the Editor, you can flip between the message you are replying to and the message you are writing using Psion-R or the Diamond key. You can highlight parts of the original message for quoting in the new message using Shift and the cursor keys to mark a section of text. Return to the message being edited and the highlighted text will be shown in the edit window surrounded by '<<' and '>>' to indicate that this is a quote. A whole message can be quoted using Shift-Psion-Q. This puts a line marker at the beginning and at the end of the quoted text. This only works in Mail and not in Forums. However, a message in both Mail and Forums can be redirected as Mail using Psion-+. An address is requested and then the message is quoted in full automatically once the address has been completed together with a start and end line marker. You are left in the edit mode in case you wish to make changes or add a comment to the message. N.B. For Internet messages it is important that a WRAP80.ON switch is created otherwise you will have to edit the address before sending any reply. It is also important that if any address data is imported for quoting purposes (e.g. Date: / From: etc.) that a space is inserted before the Date: and From: / #: to stop JBCIS thinking this is the start of a new message. New Mail -------- New mail can be created using Psion-N from the Read messages screen. This will take you to a dialog to prompt for the recipients details and the subject title. The information can be pre-selected from the Read screen by highlighting the addressee and address in your database or Word file and then, in the Read messages screen, press Psion-Y. Alternatively, you can jump to your database and highlight the information that way. The dialog will be filled with the highlighted information. This action can also take place in the Address dialog by pressing Tab. If the jump to Data is initiated with a partial address in that field, then this will be used as a search clue automatically. Once this dialog has been filled in, press Enter. You will then be in the screen which allows you to compose the message. At the end press Psion-X to save the message and you will revert to the Read message screen. It is possible to add more recipients to the mail so that one copy can go to more than one person. This is done within the edit mode of the message (not from the address dialog) and Shift-Psion-C will take you to the address dialog which you can use in the normal way. One exiting the dialog the name entered will appear at the top of the message above the previous destinations. A maximum of 8 people can be sent the same message in this way (including the original recipient). Forum Messages ============== To read the forum messages, choose Forums from the Section Selection dialog (Shift-Psion-O) and then the file FORUMx.CIS (where x is a number between 1 and the current limit for Forum numbers with ReadCIS) and press Enter. The first forum message will then be displayed. Navigation from other sections can be accomplished using Shift-Psion-O which gives you options of Mail/Forums or Services. Once the section has been established then the files in the appropriate directory are shown in the usual way for selection. Read ---- Reading the individual messages is accomplished using the cursor keys to move around the message as you would in Word or, alternatively, use Space and Shift-Space to Page up and down. A more complete list of keys is detailed above. Reply ----- If you wish to reply to a message press Psion-R or 'R'. This will take you to a new screen with the reply heading already inserted into your new message. Type the message as per normal and, once finished, press Psion-X to save the message and return to the mail file viewer. If you wish to abandon the message press Shift-Psion-X. Occasionally some people get messages posted which are double-line spaced when using networks to log in. This is avoided in JBCIS automatically. There is a switch in ReadCIS called PADFIX13.ON which does the same thing but this doesn't work across all the networks. Any text highlighted on the message before the reply is started will be automatically quoted in the reply. Whilst in the Editor, you can flip between the message you are replying to and the message you are writing using Psion-R or the Diamond key. You can mark parts of the original message for quoting in the new message using Shift and the cursor keys to highlight a section of text. Return to the new message and press Psion-Q. The highlighted text will be shown in the edit window surrounded by '<<' and '>>' to indicate that this is a quote. Copy, Delete and Insert are also implemented in this screen using the normal Psion-C/D/I. A message can be forwarded as Mail using Psion-+. A dialog for the address and subject will be given and, once this has been filled in, the message will be inserted with a line marker at the start and end of the message. You can, at this point, then edit accordingly as if it were a normal message being created. It is possible to reply to a Forum message using the CompuServe Mail service (this would keep your reply private) using Shift-Psion-R to start the reply. One the reply is started there is no way to change the direction in which the reply is posted. New Thread ---------- One new thread can be created using Psion-N from the Read messages screen. This will take you to a dialog to prompt for the recipients details, the subject title and the section number. Some of the information can be pre-selected from the Read screen by highlighting the addressee and address in your database or Word file and then, in the Read messages screen, press Psion-Y. The dialog will be filled with the highlighted information. This can also be achieved in the Address dialog by pressing Tab. If the jump to Data is initiated with a partial address then this information will be used as a search clue in Data and the search will happen automatically. Once this dialog has been filled in, press Enter. You will then be in the screen which allows you to compose the message. At the end press Psion-X to save the message and you will revert to the Read message screen. To abandon the Edit window without saving the message use Shift-Psion-X. Services ======== Services can only be read - they cannot be replied to nor highlighted for copying to a message although it is possible to save highlighted data to a file which could then be imported into a message. To read the Services, choose Services from the Section Selection dialog (Shift-Psion-O) and then the file you wish to view and press Enter. The file will then be displayed - it is not split into sections as every service has its own format. You navigate around this file in the normal way (as you would in Word) - you can also use Space to PgDn and Shift-Space to PgUp. Once you have finished viewing this file you can either open another one using Psion-O or exit using Psion-X. Message listings ================ Using Psion-L a list of messages in the Forum and Mail sections can be displayed. Each message is on a single line and can be selected using the normal cursor keys - 'F' and 'L' will also take you to the First and Last messages in the list. Escape will return you to the originally displayed message, Enter will take you to the selected message. You can also use the Diamond key as an alternative to Psion-L and Enter. You can jump from thread to thread using (Shift)-Psion-T in the same way as in the Message view. It is possible to Search from this mode, Save As, Delete, Move and change the font sizes but little else has been allowed. You can change files but you will drop out of the List mode when doing so. Psion-X exits the program. This listing is derived from the downloaded data and cannot be used to select specific messages for downloading later (pointless anyway as the data is already downloaded). Any messages that have your default search string in the To: field will be displayed in bold text. For the best operation of this function it would be best to use your CIS address number (e.g 100014,1240 - this is my address). New Messages ============ If there is no 'seed' file present (i.e. FORUMx.CIS or MAIL!.CIS) then, on startup, you will be asked if you wish to create a new message or edit an existing message. This allows you to create or edit existing messages. You can Bring an address into the message by pressing Tab whilst in the Address dialog (this assumes that you have a name and address highlighted in Word or Data). You can also launch Data by using Psion-J, highlight the information desired, and return to JBCIS using Ctrl-Psion-J. View Log - Psion-V ======== You can view (not edit) the READCIS.LOG file from any view by using Psion-V. The only keys that work in the mode are the cursor movement keys and Psion-X to exit this view. View Time Log - Shift-Psion-V ============= You can view the Timelog file from any view by using shift-Psion-V. This requires Wolfgang Schirmer's WOSTIME.OPO program to be in an \OPO\ directory on your Psion otherwise the key combination will do nothing. When you exit the Timelog program you will be where you started within JBCIS. Setup ===== In the Forum and Mail menus, under Navigation in the Menus, is an item called 'Default search string'. This enables the Find string to be seeded on startup of the program with the text given there. The length of text that can be stored is 15 characters and would normally be used to store your CompuServe ID number. Please do not put the square brackets '[]' around the number otherwise the Find will not discover a match. You can seed the Find dialog with this string after doing a find with another string by pressing Shift-Psion-S. It is possible to put a page of blank lines at the end of each message so that your PgDn will always put the last line read at the top of the page at the end of the message. This can be toggled on and off using Psion-C to get to a configuration dialog. Also on this dialog is the option to continue to the next message with a PgDn, selection of method of dealing with extra long mail messages (Services or Normal), plus an option to display the distance travelled through the message file. Long Mail Messages ================== It is possible to receive longer mail messages than are readable using JBCIS in the normal way (this has an absolute maximum of 20,000 characters and mail of this size is split into two sections). To enable these messages to be read there is an option on the Setup Dialog (Psion-C) to allow them to be read as a Service. If this method of reading is used it is impossible to generate a reply to a message larger than 10,000 bytes. When the large message is encountered a warning is shown advising you that you will be reading the message in the generic viewer (actually Services). You can exit from this mode back to the mail message read mode using Psion-X when you will be taken to the next message automatically. If the message is one you need to reply to then, from the Mail Messages read screen, change the Setup dialog to inhibit the Generic Viewer read and you will be able to view and quote from the long message (up to 20,000 characters - beyond that you may not be able to review the text). Editing ======= Whilst in the Edit mode, but after pressing Psion-R to return to the original message, some manoeuvrability is retained. You can use 'F', 'L', 'N' and 'P' to move around the messages. A small menu is available with only two options - Psion-R to return to the Edit page and Shift-Psion-F to show sender. No other keys are implemented. Help is not implemented in this mode. Evaluate has been included in the Edit mode only - use Psion-E to access it in the same way as you would in other Psion applications. It is possible to load and edit a previously created message using Psion-E. You have to be in the appropriate section before you make this keypress. If the message you choose to edit was previously created in Word, then Word will be started and the message loaded for you to continue your edit session. If a previously generated file is edited and all the text in the edit window is deleted, then, on save, the file will be deleted. No filename renaming will take place so it is best to delete files from ReadCIS if this is required as an action. JBCIS will make an attempt to remove the hard-coded line ends which are inserted when saving a new message or reply but this may, sometimes, cause the layout to change to an undesired format. This can be stopped by loading using Shift-Psion-E. There is a permanent switch also included in the Configuration dialog if you wish no formatting at all times. It is possible to save a message to an archive file by using Psion-A. This works in exactly the same way as saving individual messages and will append to an existing file or create a new one. You must still be in the Edit mode for this to work. Spell and Thesaurus ------------------- If you have the Spellchecker installed on the Psion and it is recognised by Word then Spell and Thesaurus can be accessed whilst in Edit mode using Psion-S for Spell and Psion-T for Thesaurus. As this can be a lengthy process a dialog is shown for confirmation that a spellcheck is desired. Only the whole message can be Spell checked and Thesaurus will only check the word following the cursor - if the cursor is not at the beginning of a word then the application will fail to find the word. If the Spellchecker is not installed then the keypresses will do nothing. This is a bit of a kludge in that all I do is save the file and open it up in the Text edit mode of Word - send the Spell commands and you will end up in the Text editor at the end of the check. To return to JBCIS after the check use Psion-X. You will return to the Edit mode in JBCIS. The same method is used for the Thesaurus but only one word is sent to the text editor for checking. N.B. If the program crashes whilst doing this operation the text is always saved in a file called M:\JBSPL.TXT and can be recovered using Merge from the Edit screen. The file is normally deleted once the process has been completed but will still exist if a failure occurred - after retrieving the text the file may safely be deleted. Deleting Messages ================= I have permitted the deletion of individual messages using Shift- Psion-D. The message currently displayed is the one that is deleted. Bookmarks will be re-ordered accordingly so, in practise, you could mark up to 10 messages and then jump to them to delete each one individually. Because of the amount of resources required to do a multiple mark and delete I don't feel this is a viable option (apart from the speed that it would operate at). As part of this addition you can also Move a message (effectively Save As and Delete combined) - this is accessed using Shift-Psion-Q and is available in both normal and list mode. Data files ========== I have not implemented an address book as such but have allowed a hotkey to switch to a specified Data file (Psion-J). This will only work if your internal datafile application is called Data. If the file has not been previously detailed then you are automatically prompted for the name of the file. The filename can be changed at any time using Shift-Psion-J. To return to JBCIS from the data application (or anywhere else in fact), use Control-Psion-J. You can mark and import addresses using this method although the Psion-J command will not work from the dialog to which you need to import your address, the Menu key taking the place of Psion-J under those circumstances. Mail to more than one person can be sent - see the New Message paragraphs in the Mail section above. You can add the From: line in Mail and Forum messages to your datafile using Psion-U. This uses the same system as the switch to Data outlined above and therefore you can return to JBCIS using Control- Psion-J. The name and address in imported onto one line and you are left in the Data edit mode so that you can alter the layout as you wish - don't forget to press Tab to save the record before returning to JBCIS. These options only work with the built-in Data application and only if the application is called Data. It cannot be configured for use with other similar programs. N.B. On certain machines the datafile open may not appear under the Data icon. This is dependent on the name under which Data has been installed and, only if the installation is known as Data, will the open file show under the Data icon. Otherwise the file will migrate to the RunIMG icon if that is installed - if not then the open file might not show up at all. On machines where Data is called something else then this option will not work at all. If this is a real problem let me know and I'll see what I can do to help. Signatures ========== A Signature can be stored using Shift-Psion-H - this is saved with the Setup and is global in operations (i.e. it works in Mail and Services). To enter new lines in the dialog window you must use the '^M' characters (e.g.: Best wishes^M^MJohn^M ) - an Enter will terminate the dialog. The length of this signature is limited to 99 characters. It is possible to also add the home city and country as set in Time together with a Date and Time to stamp the signoff - use: '^H' = Home Town '^C' = Home Country '^T' = Time '^D' = Date So, as an example... Best wishes^M^MJohn^M^Min ^H,^C written at ^T on ^D^M will display as Best wishes John in London, England written at 17:47 on 1/5/96 To print the signature use Psion-H. The Edit works in the Edit box as well as in the Forum and Mail display boxes. Sender Information ================== In Forums and Mail (both in read and reply) you can see the sender's name and address by pressing Shift-Psion-F. This is shown as a temporary display in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. It is also possible to show the Sender information at the top of the screen above the message as a permanent display. This is set using the Psion-C Configure Setup and, once set, will be visible in Forums, Mail and the Reply screen - it is all or nothing. The setting is remembered between sessions. If any messages have the default search string in the To: field then they will display in bold text. Battery check ============= If the battery goes very low whilst using JBCIS then a warning message is displayed on the screen and thereafter every minute until the batteries are renewed. This action can be altered using the setup configuration dialog (Psion-C) - the alternatives are: þ No Message þ Temporary message (gIPRINT equivalent) þ Dialog style message The message will not appear if the batteries are good or if the Mains supply is in use. N.B. File size limits --------------------- There are limits built in to JBCIS with regard to file sizes. There is a limit of 4,096 bytes with respect to Forum messages - this is true for replies as well as new threads. There is also a limit of 10,000 bytes when replying to or sending new Mail messages. For viewing purposes, the largest file that can be viewed as a message in any one go is 10,500 bytes - messages of double this size should be handled OK as two separate pages. Messages larger than this may not display in full at all (you might be lucky but I don't guarantee anything). You can read (but not reply to) messages using the same reader as Services. If these limits annoy you please contact me so that we can look at ways round the problem. Loading Problems ================ If there has been a problem when using JBCIS it sometimes happens that, from then on, you get an error and JBCIS won't load files. If this occurs delete the JBCIS.INI file on the Internal drive in the directory \CIS\CONFIG\. You will have to set up the program again to use the appropriate fonts and movement options. There is no need to delete this file if the program runs satisfactorily after a warning has been shown on screen (which, hopefully, is how it should now work). Thanks ====== The original idea came out of a discussion with Coline Carbonara (many thanks)! As usual, bountiful thanks are due to Wolfgang Schirmer who is a rock I rely on! Many thanks also to Dennis Lefebvre who has shaped this program considerably as has David Keppler. There is little point in approaching any of these individuals for help though as they have no access to the source code. Thank you also to all the other testers who have tried and commented on the program before its release. The icon embedded in the application is courtesy of Phil Creed - thank you very much! Release information =================== Version 1.0 ----------- Original version released Version 1.1 ----------- Fixed problem with List view spacing varying with Font selected in other views. Fixed problem with over-large signature terminating the program. Fixed problem with not recognising Archive files when started from ReadCIS. Fixed problem with forwarded mail not working! Fixed problem with JBCIS not appearing under ReadCIS icon. Fixed error message when not finding WOSTIME.OPO (wrong filename given). Fixed problem with toggling to Tabular view and moving cursor not putting you back in the correct mode. Moving to list using Psion-L now reads correctly on the Menu. Files now formatted with Word will be launched as Word files. Improved moving to next message when End Of Screen is on. Slightly improved out of memory errors. Inhibited List view reprints when not necessary. Psion-X in List mode now exits the program rather than just the List mode. Changed 'EOF' to read 'End'. Changed operation of Diamond key in List mode - it now acts like Enter. Selecting Forums for new messages now uses the same format dialog in each case. Edit (Psion-E) now defaults to the directory it is called from (so in Mail you default to \CIS\, Forums: \CIS\FORUMS\). Initial set up now is PgDn to end of Screen and on to next message. In 'Reviewing' screen Esc now takes you back to Edit screen. Reduced maximum file size to 10,500 so that Spy works correctly. Warning added when trying to access menu options not applicable. Redesigned New Message dialog to attempt to avoid confusion. Inhibited attempt to edit BINARY.OUT file. Added Bookmarks. Added Evaluate in Edit mode. Added 'Top' for Start of File position. Added option to start up in the List mode. Added option to print a message (and setup printer). Added links to a database for Address file purposes. Added Link/Paste to allow exports from JBCIS. Added Menu to 'Reviewing' screen. Added default filenames for Save As. Version 1.2 ----------- Fixed problem of Escape pressed on File Merge causing problems when trying to save original file. Fixed problem with archived replies incorrectly displayed in List mode. Fixed problem of new Mail and Forum messages still being created when exit from edit is Shift-Psion-X. Fixed occasional problem with identifying thread titles. Fixed problem with search and cursor movement. Fixed an occasional problem with moving to another section when in List mode. Fixed problem with trailing ')' in address dialog being lost. Fixed problem with Bring after highlight removed. Opening Archive messages now allows the extension to be seen. Bookmark file renamed to _JBCIS.BMK so that it is at the end of the filelist. Improved detection of Internet mail to avoid double headers. Improved detection of start and end of message files a little. Improved display of long messages in List mode. Improved notification of Top and End of files. Improved formatting when editing existing messages. Improved List display of mail messages to reduce confused lists. Quoting whole message now Shift-Psion-Q. PgDn (and PgUp) in list mode now works with and going to the highlighted message is achieved with Enter. Quotes now created automatically from marked text in the Review window so Psion-Q removed. Adding New Thread now only prompts for Forum number once. Reduced memory requirements slightly. Now able to change Bookmark pointer and edit and delete individual marks. Allowed zoom of font in List view. Psion-A to add message to Word file now fails gracefully. Added Spell and Thesaurus. Added ability to save Edit message to an archive file. Added 'Saving' message when saving to archive. Added option to Overwrite as well as Append when saving messages. Added method of reading large messages using the Services method. Added ability to add From: field to address database. Added ability to Time and Date stamp the signature. Added option to show Home Town and Country in signature. Added Battery Low warning. Added ability to delete individual messages. Added option to reply to Forum message via Mail. Added bookmarks to List view. Added Thread movement to List view. Added automatic Bring when returning from Data in Address dialog. Added automatic search when going to Data from the Address dialog. Added ability to Save messages in List mode. Added option to send a Mail message to more than one person. Added ability to halt a Find in progress by pressing a key. Added highlight if default search string is in the To: field. Added ability to avoid double-line spacing in Forum replies. Contact ======= John Boyce CompuServe: 100014,1240 John Boyce 11 September 1996