"JOBS" by Pete Sipple Written for the Psion Series 3 (Dec 1993) This is a short procedure that was designed as a "To-Do"-type task manager. It was written compliment the Series 3, but with the introduction of the Series 3a's enhanced Agenda, it is really only useful to those who haven't got the latest Psion product. This procedure is deliberatly very basic, and does not have any on-line help. The reason that the procedure has been kept simple, is to keep it small, so's not to waste precious RAM space with documentation. The procedure should be fairly explainatory... Jobs to do can be classified as Work or Home. It allows for weekly, fortnightly, monthly or yearly repeats. It does not have any interface to the Psion Alarms, so you have to run the procedure to see the day's jobs. As mentioned before, the procedure is not a "bells and whistles" procedure, and was designed to help my failing memory. If it proves useful to even one other user, then I'll be happy. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this procedure, please let me know. I'll be happy to hear from you. I can be reached via the "PSION" Fido conference echo. Although this procedure is not over user-friendly, it is at least fairly stable. However, I cannot accept any liability for loss, damage, or crashed news reports, as a result of using this procedure. JOBS.OPO is released into Public Domain, and I am not looking for any payment for this procedure. I hope that you find this procedure useful. Written by: Pete Sipple 11 December 1993