JOURNEY V1.0 INTRODUCTION: Journey is a utility to maintain and search timetables for routes between two places. The program is basically in two parts, one to enter and edit timetables, and one to search them for the best journey. The program is still in a relatively early state and I hope to release a version with an improved user interface soon. DISCLIAMER: The author believes this program to be correct (with the exception of any known problems documented here). This does not mean that the program is warrantied for any purpose. Responsibility for checking the correctness of any input/output resides with the user. ------Advertisment--------------------------------------------------------- Other software available XFILE 1.1 - Avoid the 50 Icon limit and allow icons in ANY application to be changed on screen. Shareware. NOREV 1.2 - Prevent reverse translation of OPL object code. This product is individually tailored to prevent other users from accessing your protected programs and so will only work if registered. Registration costs œ10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: This program while designed on a PSION 3A 512K should work on the 256K machine and on the 1Mb and 2Mb machines. The program will not run on the PSION 3 classic. CONDITIONS OF USE: This program was been released as shareware. This means that while you are allowed to user the program for a limited period, you should register your use of the program if you plan to continue using this or future versions. The object code and source code, including screen layouts and any other software supplied with this product except when otherwise stated does not belong to the user. Copyright resides with the author and all rights are reserved. This program is protected against reverse translation by Norev v1.2 and any attempts to reverse translate the object or to access any of the routines supplied by any means not listed below will be deemed to be an infingement of the conditions of use. The only means by which this program can be run is as follows. a) as a standard psion OPO file using the normal Psion method of running. b) Via an application installer/launcher such as XFILE or JB LAUNCH. To register your copy and recieve a code to disable the nag screen please send œ10 to the following address Raymond Stone C/O Galactic Computing Ltd 31/3 Kingsknowe Rd N Edinburgh EH14 2BN. Please note that entended correspondence will not be entered into with unregistered users. I will answer letters if possible when a SAE is included but I give no guarantee to do so. Future versions may be sent to registered users only depending on feedback given. INSTALLATION : The following files are provided and should be copied into the appropraite directories. JOURNEY.OPO any /OPO/ directory JOURNEY1.LIB RJSLIB1.LIB* XXXX.LOC /rjs/journey/ directory (internal drive only) XXXX.MOD XXXX.PRO XXXX.JRY XXXX.TAB * = Same file as in XFILE11 and APACK11 and NOREV12. HOW TO USE : The following notes are that, notes. Full documentation is intended for future versions but this may depend on the number of registered users. (there is little point in documenting a program if only I find it of use) Setting up: To use the program you first have to enter the timetables using the SETUP option from the main menu. Files should be created in the following order. a) LOCATIONS : details of the various stop points in each timetable b) MODES : details of the journey's mode ir Bus, Train etc.. c) PROTOTYPES : A general layout of a journey giving the average times between the stops made within a journey. d) JOURNEY : Details of the Specific journeys within the timetable. These details are defaulted from the associated prototype to save typing. e) TIMETABLE : The final file. This is automatically generated from the above files. Once you have set up the data the rest should be self explanatory, but please feel free to write if you have problems. The XXXX.* files provided are for example only. Please delete them before entering your own data. (unless you wish to travel between Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Cruden Bay). CURRENT LIMITATIONS/PROBLEMS: - Error checking is limited especially relating to checks for files existing. - EDIT/VIEW/DELETE option has a tendancy to skip records. This does not actually cause any problems, but is a little annoying. I do not plan to correct this because the next release will probably have a redesigned user interface - It is planned that the dialog screens will be altered as part of the new user interface in future versions. This will make using the software easier. - Data files must be on internal drive. This will change in later versions. - File names are currently fixed. It is invisaged that future versions will run as a normal application and allow multiple data files. - Searches for journeys starting before midnight but ending afterwards are currently not implemented (exepect in one particular case). This is not a bug, but a deliberate ommission at this time. - Future changes will include a means of defining a way of setting up info on times to travel between one location and annother when this is not via a timetables servive, ie It takes 2 minutes to get from Aberdeen railway station and Aberdeen bus station. This will allow these to be set as different locations and give more accurate journey statistics. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Sort routine based on DBSORT by Michael Geary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------