********************************************************************************** ********************************** JWS PicView *********************************** ********************************************************************************** PicView is a small program that runs on the Psion Series 3a. It helps you to view .PIC files (Psion graphic files). It will only view files that are less than or equal to 480*160. And can only view files that contain a grey plane. And you can put notes to tell you more about the file. JWSPICVW.ZIP should contain: -Readme.txt (This file) -Readme.wrd (Psion copy of this text) -Picview.opa (The Application) Installation: -Copy Picview.opa to any directory (Usually M:\APP) -Install Picview.opa on to the System screen using Psion and I -The first time you run PicView a Picview.ODB database file is created in the M:\OPD directory Usage: -Left and right scroll through the different pictures -Psion and + adds another file -Psion and - removes the current file -Psion and A Alters current files properties -Psion and L Displays Location of file -Psion and N Displays Notes about file -Psion and X Exits PicView About: PicView was written in August 1996 by Julian Wheaton aged just 14 If you have comments or suggestions about PicView or even bug reports. Please write to: Mr Julian J Wheaton 2 The Middlings, Off Brittains Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent. TN13 2NW ENGLAND ********************************************************************************** ************************************ Goodbye ************************************* **********************************************************************************