From: (Marko Schuster) Newsgroups: comp.sys.psion Subject: Type on your S3a with a big keyboard via the serial port [SOURCE] Reply-To: (Marko Schuster) Date: Sat Apr 30 21:57:25 1994 ok.. thats the result of the last 2-3 hours of programming .. (and now i'll go to bed %-) ) This is a small macro for the MACRO-Programm by Tom Dolbilin. It can be used to write, use, programm your psion with your 'big' keyboard. There is N O kind of error-handling!! (Hey, it was a 2-hour-hack :-) ) Limitations with Macro: It can not be used with OPL-prgs. (OPO/OPA) !! Usage: Just plug your link-cable in your psion and start a terminal-prg. on the remote computer. Be sure to set the BPS/BAUD-rate to 1200 in the terminalprg. (or change it in the source) .. you should test it first in the 'comms'-app if everything is ok. Be sure you have not started the link, and closed all other prgs. which uses the serial port. Be sure your terminal has ANSI - it must send the cursorkeys as ansi-codes. After translating and installing this macro in the MACRO-App (just look in its doc how to do this) just execute the macro (maybe you have it installed to 'r' (remote) or 't' (terminal)..) Then the serial-link-sign should go on in your status windows. Now you can type on your big keyboard. (for tests, just jump into the system screen and open a word-document dor excample) YOU CAN EMULATE NEARLY EVERY KEYSTROKE. Ok, there could be some enhance- ments in the source for really every key-combination. But who cares .-) Ok. Just test it out now. Cause the Ansi-Cursors needs 3 (!) chars for every press the speed is not too fast (but not too bad). Press ... (on your big keyboard of course!) ctrl - a : toggles the ctrl-key on your psion on/off (for cursor, menu..) ctrl - s : toggles the shift-key on your psion on/off (for cursor, cr..) ctrl - q : the next key will be a PSION one.. (incl. cursor) ctrl - w : MENU ctrl - e : ESC (same as pressing ESC twice) ctrl - l : HELP ctrl - d : DIAMOND ctrl - y : jumps to the system-screen (wait some seconds then..) ctrl - z : quits this macro and closes the port cause ansi needs the ESC-code for the ansi-codes, there will nothing happening if you press ESC once (the source thinks that a cursor-key may come..) - so press it twice or press ctrl-e instead. Some examples: ctrl-c ctrl-w [ctrl-w] ctrl-c : toggles the status-wins ctrl-c ctrl-s cursor-right : marks a word in a editor ctrl-q x : exit the application (same as pressing PSION-X on your psion) ctrl-s enter ctrl-s : same as pressing shift-enter on your psion FEEL FREE TO CHANGE THE CTRL-CODES TO WHAT YOU WANT, BUT: never use used ctrl-keys like ctrl-m (enter), ctrl-h (del), ctrl-i (tab) !! ..bye.. Ok.. and now the source for the macro-system / macro-program-editor... --- PROC macro: rem ** REMOTE-S3A-KEYBOARD-Macro for the Macro-App. ** rem ** v1.0 by Marko Schuster 1994 .. Public Domain ** rem ** EMail: global k% local a%,co%,a$(1),p%,e%,t%,ad%,s%,c% a%=ioopen(k%,"TTY:A",$100) rsset:(8,0,8,1,4) :rem 1200 8n1 a$=" " ad%=addr(a$)+1 do a%=ioread(k%,ad%,1) :rem wait until a char is received.. t%=peekb(ad%) useapp:("Active") if e%=2 if t%=%A if p%=0 :a%=sendkey:(up%,s%+c%,1) else :a%=sendkey:(pgup%,s%+c%,1) :endif elseif t%=%B if p%=0 :a%=sendkey:(down%,s%+c%,1) else :a%=sendkey:(pgdn%,s%+c%,1) :endif elseif t%=%C if p%=0 :a%=sendkey:(right%,s%+c%,1) else :a%=sendkey:(end%,s%+c%,1) :endif elseif t%=%D if p%=0 :a%=sendkey:(left%,s%+c%,1) else :a%=sendkey:(home%,s%+c%,1) :endif endif e%=0 :p%=0 elseif e%=1 if t%=%[ :e%=2 elseif t%=27 a%=sendkey:(27,0,1) :rem press ESC twice or Ctrl-e on remote for ESC else :e%=0 :p%=0 endif elseif t%=27 :rem esc .. for ansi-cursor-keys... e%=1 elseif t%=23 :rem ctrl-w = menu a%=sendkey:(menu%,c%,1) p%=0 elseif p%=1 a%=psion:(t%) p%=0 elseif t%=4 :rem ctrl-d = diamond a%=sendkey:(diamond%,s%,1) elseif t%=17 :rem ctrl-q = psion for next key p%=1 elseif t%=5 :rem ctrl-e = esc (or esc-key twice) a%=sendkey:(27,0,1) elseif t%=12 :rem ctrl-l = help a%=sendkey:(help%,0,1) elseif t%=25 :rem ctrl-y = system-screen (wait some seconds..) useapp:("Sys$shll") tofront: elseif t%=19 :rem ctrl-s = toggles shift for cursor, enter... if s%=0 s%=shift% else s%=0 endif elseif t%=1 :rem ctrl-a = toggles ctrl for cursor, menu ... if c%=0 c%=ctrl% else c%=0 endif else a%=sendkey:(t%,s%+c%,1) endif until a$=chr$(26) :rem ctrl-z = quit a%=ioclose(k%) endp proc rsset:(ba%,pa%,da%,st%,ha%) local frame%,srchar%(6),du%,er% frame%=da%-5 srchar%(1)=ba% or (ba%*256) srchar%(2)=frame% or (pa%*256) srchar%(3)=(ha% and 255) or $1100 srchar%(4)=$13 er%=iow(k%,7,srchar%(1),du%) if er% :raise er% :endif ENDP --- -- * ** Sysop Lonely Times 0911/3939034 [GER] * * Amiga 4000 & Psion Series 3a - Multitasking Power Wherever You Are *