Psion Utils (c)1995 PROTRONICS USA 404-351-1055 CompuServe 71021,1544 FLASH! - Psion Series 3/3a users can now dial the phone via a modem or the speaker. Dialer turns your Psion into a lean mean dialin' machine. This powerful utility that will save you precious time when looking up numbers and dialing the phone. It works by searching all data files (unlimited) for a partial match and dials using the speaker or a modem, without ever opening the database app. Profiles can be set up for home, office, & travel with local, long distance, & calling card prefixes & suffixes. Local area codes are stripped automatically eliminating the need to enter numbers twice for long distance vs. local calling. Powerup Powerup started as a simple routine that plays a .WVE file each time you turn on your Psion. The default sound is the tricorder from the original Star Trek. Some rather nifty features have been added ... Powerup also records a quick message, bypassing security, if you hold down the key when powering up. The Psion will beep and record a 5 second message to REC01.WVE, REC02, REC03, etc. You can press Space to end the recording early. The next time you turn on the Psion, your reminder will be played. Holding down Ctrl- when powering up will go to the Powerup screen after you enter your password. Here you can record, play, & erase recordings quickly by pressing 1, 2, 3, etc. This is perfect for quick messages in the car, in the dark, in bed, or when you are pressed for time. FLASH! - With a slight mod, you can now make recordings and turn off alarms with your Psion closed or still in its case. Simply cut .5 cm off the top of a standard paper clip and tape it just above your screen (when your Psion closes, it should be above the spacebar). Load Powerup and close case (with Psion still on). Give the case a slight squeeze (with thumb below speaker & fingers in bottom ridge on case). Your Psion should begin recording. You can also test this in Word by inserting spaces. Each time you squeeze your Psion while the alarm is sounding gives you an extra 5 minutes of snooze time. If you have trouble getting this to work, use thicker tape or, if you prefer, for an extra $5 (+ registration), we will send you a self-adhesive rubber strip that looks good above your screen. Hold down the System button with the Psion off and the Psion will turn on in Stealth mode (silently). You can still make recordings, but you will not hear the start and end beeps (great for meetings). Hold it down again with Psion off and Sound turns back on. Powerup must be running in background. If you still want alarms but wish to disable the Tricorder sound, turn the Sound back on from the System screen (Psion-S). Press S to adjust default # of seconds to record. Powerup also comes with a companion OPL called HOURLY which beeps on the hour (except from 1am to 7am) even if your Psion is off. Powerup & Hourly will NOT drain your batteries and do NOT slow down your processor while running in background; playing long WAV files will. Use rechargeables. Memory is 8KB. Enjoy! Other utilities include Timekeeper which includes a full screen clock/calendar, a non-agenda alarm system, and a stopwatch/billing timer. We are working on a simple speech recognition app for speed dialing and a text to speech util that will give the Psion 3a a spoken agenda, document reader, more personality, and other capabilities. Send us a $25 registration fee, and you will receive all of the above products via e-mail over the Internet (uuencoded) or CompuServe (zipped). International users may register via CompuServe (GO SWREG ID#: 2371) Registered users get free utility updates for the life of the product Protronics USA 499 Northside Circle, Suite 420, Atlanta GA 30309-2112 Psion Utils (c)1995 PROTRONICS USA 404-351-1055 CompuServe 71021,1544