khl-Agendalink Version 1.0 ============================ Content of the ZIP-file "": In this file you should find three files. khllink.mco the macro khllink.dbf a data-file containing your notes khllink.txt this info-text Purpose of khl-Agendalink: Sometimes you have unregularily repeated entries in your agenda to which you want to save any kind on information. But a note would only appear with one of the entries. Even with events repeated with the agenda-function you might have a problem with notes: You need to know the next date to update the note. E.g. this could be the birthday of somebody and your list of possible gifts. This could also be saved as remark within the agenda. But for every new idea you would have to go to the persons birthday to enter it. khl-Agendalink is the solution: It establishes a link between your agenda-entry and a database-file. The notes stored there will be shown in a box within the agenda. So you have the possibility to enter your data to a database with direct and easy access. How to install khl-Agendalink: To run the macro, "Macsys" by Tom Dolbilin is required. Copy the file "khllink.mco" to the directory all the other translated macros (*.mco) are stored in. Then install it to the main macro screen und assign a hotkey to it. Then copy the file "khllink.dbf" to the directory "\DAT". How to handle khllink.dbf: Open "khllink.dbf" with the Data-App and fill it with your data. The names of the fields may be changed depending to your wishes. You also may add new fields at the end. But two things are absolutely obligatory: The first field has to be the subject you are searching for from the agenda. "khllink" will only find anything when the entry in the agenda matches the complete content of the first field. The second field has to contain the data you want to see in the dialog. But its length is limited: There may only be up to eight lines and none of them may be longer than 50 characters. All together may only have 255 characters. The lines have to be seperated by shift-enter. In "khllink.dbf" you will find one entry: A short help for khl-Agendalink. To see how the macro works, just enter "khllink" anywhere to your agenda and start the macro. This entry may be deleted from the database when you don't want it anymore. How to run khl-Agendalink: Just place the cursor in the agenda on the entry and activate "khllink" by pressing the assigned hotkey. That's all. Disclaimer: =========== Although I have worked with the macro without having any problems, I can't guarantee that there are no hidden bugs. So I'm not responsible for any loss of data that may occur as a result of using khl-Agendalink. Please make sure that you back up your data before using the macro. Feedback: Please let me know what you think about khl-Agendalink. Report any bugs, hints, advices or wishes to me via Compuserve or discuss them in the Psion-Forum. Have much fun with "khl-Agendalink". My adress: Karl-Henry Lahmann 100733,2752