PSION 3/3a LOTTERY PROGRAM ========================== Please find enclosed a program that stores all the National Lottery info, how many times each number has appeared which colour odd or even etc, :- files included :- lottery.opo (place in opo directory).... for Series 3 users lottery.opa (place in app directory).... for Series 3a users (version 2.50) lotthand.pic (place in pic directory).... Series 3a icon lottery.odb (place in opd directory).... Lottery data lottery.pic (place in opd directory).... Lottery picture lottery.wrd (place in wrd directory).... Psion word document readme.txt This file!!! Please note the odb and pic files should be on the internal drive. please feel free to copy and distribute these files as long as they remain intact please also note that I reserve copyright on the above programs, have fun, If you win share a bit of your winnings with me or better still register and have the psion check if you have won. In fact if you continue to use the program after 30 days you MUST register. History :- Version 1 for Series 3 users only (I only had a 3) Version 2 for Series 3 and 3a users (I treated myself to a Xmas present) Version 2.10 this file includes new Barchart, Quick/Slow numbers Odds etc. Version 2.20b Beta test version includes some extra features for Psion Monthly News Version 2.50 The complete version fully debugged (as far as I know) Regards Mike Kilmister.