To upgrade your existing version or try out the demo version follow these instructions:- 1. Close down the program on the psion (Psion X), then using PsiWin* or similar, copy the files from the program SSD's app\lgbk3a\data sub directory to this floppy disks app\lgbk3a\data sub directory, confirming that they copied correctly. [*Note there is the following bug in PsiWin:-It tries to convert any file that is dragged and dropped. To prevent this from occuring, enter PsiWin and from the setup options choose conversions. Ensure that the drag and convert between computers option is un checked.] 2. Format the program SSD. 3. Copy the floppy disk contents (except the readme.txt file) to the formatted program SSD. For users of PsiWin, simply drag the app directory to the SSD. If you do not have an earlier copy of LGBK3a, then start at instruction 2. If you are evaluating this software, then to run the demonstration version just copy the entire contents of the floppy(except the readme.txt file) to the Psion Series 3a internal ram (if memory permits) or to an SSD. Install as you would any other application. FOR UPGRADES, ENSURE THAT YOU DELETE THE FILE 'REGISTER.ED' FOUND IN THE INTERNAL\APP\LGBK3A\DATA\ SUB DIRECTORY, BEFORE RUNNING THIS NEWER VERSION. DATA LOSS WILL OCCUR OTHERWISE! If you experience problems, check to see if all the files are in the correct directories as follows:- File Directory lgbk3a.opa \app lgbk3*.opo \app\lgbk3a *.dat \app\lgbk3a\data if you still have any problems contact:- Haggis Computers Ltd Email Compuserve users can GO SWREG ID 12149 to register this product for $54.95. In return for registering, you will receive the unlock code for the PC MS Word based user manual, full technical support, and the latest version on floppy disk.