PSIONWPDATAFILEêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê  :‚.ÆAr ¶3ÐÐÿÿðððLOC::A:\WDR\BJ-30-LQ.WDR%PPBTBody text ððð Рp@ à°€PHAHeading A ààðРp@ à°€PHBHeading B ððxРp@ à°€PBLBulleted list ÿÿðÐhðð Рp@ à°€NNNormal ÿÿUUUnderline ÿÿBBBold ÿÿIIItalic ÿÿEESuperscript ÿÿSSSubscript ÿÿELost in 3d====Installation------------The files lostin3d.opa and mazetemp.pic can be installed on any disk, (including c:\) in directories \app\ and \app\lostin3d\ respectively. They do not have to be on the same disk as each other.lostin3d.opa should be installed in the normal way, by using Psion-I from the system screen.When the program is run for the first time, it will create \app\lostin3d\lostin3d.dbf on your internal drive. This file lets the program know which drive you have put mazetemp.pic on. The program will ask you where you have put it - a one-letter answer (a, b, m or c) is sufficient. If you ever move the mazetemp.pic, delete lostin3d.dbf. This will then prompt the program to ask you where you have moved it to next time the program is run.Overview--------Lost in 3d is a program for the Psion Series 3a, in which you find yourself inside a maze, trying to get out. You decide how big you want the maze to be, but you only see the maze from inside - you do not get a bird's-eye view from above to be able to plan your route like that. So how do you manage to get out?The maze is drawn at random, but certain features are always the same. The maze is always rectangular, and you always start with your back to the west wall, somewhere between north and south. The exit is always in the east wall. So by keeping an idea of which way you are facing, and by keeping track of how often you turn, and in which direction, you can know if you are heading in the right direction or not. And that is the challenge of the game - to not get lost, no matter how complex the path you are taking becomes!Keys----You change direction and move by pressing the cursor keys. The up arrow moves you forward. Please note that the cursor keys do not correspond to absolute compass points. If you are facing north, up arrow moves you north. If you are facing east, it moves you east, and so on. The other cursor keys turn you to face different directions, but do not move you. So if you are facing north and you press right arrow, you stay where you are but turn to face east. The down arrow turns you through 180ø.The idea is to get out by keeping a sense of your direction in your head. But, if you do need some help, there are two ways of getting it. Pressing C at any time will display a compass briefly, so that you can regain your sense of direction should you need to. And if you really get stuck, pressing Help will show you a view of the maze from above, with your position and direction marked. Pressing any key from this display will take you back inside the maze.The exit is displayed as a diagonal cross on the facing wall of the maze (if you are facing it, that is). When you get out, the program will ask politely whether or not you want to play again.Is that it?-----------Yes.I have decided against trying to make this game into something more interesting. It is purely a logical game, and so there are no monsters to kill, no keys to magic doors to find, and no attempt has been made to make this game a miniature version of Doom for the Psion. I also decided against including a hall of fame, because the user decides how big the maze is to be each time the game is played, and there is no sense in comparing the time to get out of a 3x3 maze with the time to get out of a 45x15 one. If you are after something more thrilling, well, at least this game is freeware, and you've lost nothing. However, if you enjoy pure thinking games, then I you should be able to get some enjoyment out of this.History-------This game was originally written for the Series 3 in 1993, while I was living in Poland with no contact whatsoever with other Psion users. The bigger screen and grey plane of the 3a when it game enabled me to improve the game in looks only, but this is basically the same animal I wrote on my balcony in L¢dz in early summer 1993.Disclaimer----------I accept no responsibility for anything bad that happens as a result of you using this game. But I don't suppose anything will.Contact-------You can find me here:Neil SandsFlat 730 Queen StreetAberystwythCeredigionSY23 1PU+44 (0)1970 free to get in touch with big reports, comments and the like.Thanks to David Griffiths for his beta testing.Mae'r ffeil hon ar gael yn iaith yr nefoedd, os oes eisiau arnoch. † BTNNBTNNBTNN BTNN BTNNBTNNÃBTNNBTNN]BTNNBTNN¹BTNNBTNN BTNN BTNNBTNN8BTNNBTNN BTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNðBTNNBTNNÍBTNNBTNNÁBTNNBTNN BTNN BTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNÐBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNKBTNNBTNN BTNN BTNNBTNN€BTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNNBTNN BTNNBTNNBTNN BTNN BTNN BTNNBTNNBTNNBTNN.BTNNBTNNCBTNNBTNN0BTNNBTNNCBTNN