LOTTERY wrtten by Graham Linsky LOTTERY is a random number program based loosely on the "Dice" example in the Psion programming manual.Random is seeded by the date and time in seconds. Duplication of of numbers on the same board is guarded against. I wanted to experiment with animation using the grey plane, and I learned a lot whilst doing the program. The first thing I leaned was don't use grey in animation, dither. The balls look good in grey, so grey it is. INSTALLATION There are eight files to be copied to have animation with sound. There are no pic files these are embedded in the opa, I learned this from my very first copy of PALMTOP. Lottery.opa Place in \app\ on any drive Creak.wve Cough.wve Pop.wve Roll.wve Place in \wve\ on any drive Tick.wve Wiz.wve Woody Install application in usual way (psion-I) and the familiar icon will appear. The sound takes up a lot of memory so until you do win the lottery and buy the two meg version you may want to leave the .wve files off. Selecting sound off on the dialog will put suitable delays in place of sound.