Lotters. By Ben Metcalfe 1995. BEE-WARE Software. For the Psion Series 3 (I am only 14 so I can't apply for a copyright. Please be aware of this and not change the program about, just because it does not have a copyright.) This is shareware. So I ask you to register as a user for £1.00 and a HD/DD disk to send you a copy of Lotters V1.00b on (1.00b has no nag screens). If you have installed Lotters on a FLASH disk, then I am very sorry that you have to update the whole program and not just type in a registration code, but I don't know how to set up registration codes. To register send a S. A .E to: BEE-WARE Ben Metcalfe 81 Belmont Road Uxbridge UB8 1QU Write on the back 'Registration for Lotters' I will send you some info' on Lotters and other programs that I have wrote in the S. A. E Installing Lotters: You should have: Lotters.opa Lotters.pic Lotters.txt Put the .OPA in the \APP directory, in any drive. Then put the .PIC in the \OPD directory, in the same drive as the .OPA. Then Install (PSION-I). Lotters is a random lottery calculator. It uses random selection and not statistical selection because: i I don't know how to work out the stat's to make the selection, ii I am only 14, (come on, you can't expect a 14 year old to have that sort of programming knowledge!) iii The lottery is (supposed to be) 100% random Any one who watches the National Lottery will know that there is a button panel from where the draw is started. This is what the funny looking screen, just before the draw, is supposed to be. (If you do win some money using my predictor, then send some (or all) of it to me, PLEASE!) Please spread this program around the world as much as you can. Is there any one who is willing to put this onto the internet, etc.. (I don't have a modem) Okay that's it, I have to go now anyway, my Zebra is on fire. (ooo ay by gum!!??!??!!!)