Lotto3A - 'The' Lottery Program © Patrick Bell, 1995-97. --------------------------------------------------------- For users upgrading from versions before 3.??. ---------------------------------------------- You must delete all your old LOTTO3A files except those ending in .TIC or .RES and then install the newer version. You can now install the files to any drive (in a \APP\LOT directory). .TIC & .RES files must be on the same drive. You should remove your old icon and install the new one. You can also specify any draws to graph or analyse. The data files and printing now support unlimited tickets and results. New User Guide -------------- This program is free to be distributed to anybody but it must be in this form i.e. zipped and include the files listed below. I accept no liability for any damage it may cause. You assume responsibility upon use of this program. Any attempt to reverse translate this program is strictly forbidden and could lead to data loss! Installation ------------ This program consists of a the following files: JBSORTB.IMG - VERY fast sort routine. LOTTO3A.TXT - This file. LOTTO3A.OPA - The main program for all lotteries. LOTTO3A.HLP - Help module. SATURDAY.RES - Saturdays results data file - if you send a 3.5" floppy disk & a SAE when you register I will send you the most up to date version of the program and the results to date. WINSDAY.RES - The same for Wednesdays results. To install LOTTO3A you must: 1. Create a directory called \APP\LOT on any drive (preferably M:[internal]) and copy all .RES files into it. The *.RES file should never be located on a FLASH SSD. 2. Copy LOTTO3A.OPA & LOTTO3A.HLP together into a \APP\LOT directory on any disk. 3. Copy JBSORTB.IMG to \APP subdirectory on same drive as program files (this file is used by most of my programs but only needs to be loaded once). 4. Install the program (using PSION-I, then press TAB and find the APP\LOT subdirectory containing the LOTTO3A.OPA file). 5. If are a new user and therefore have no tickets entered the program will create an empty ticket file (called LOTTO3A.TIC) in the same directory as *.RES. If you are a user from outside the UK then you can create a new results file into which you can put the results from your lottery. DO NOT delete the UK results file until you have created your personalised version!! It is hoped that all menu options are self evident. It should also be safe to "try" any of the options you're not sure of. The usual keys such as help, menu, escape and the diamond key all work. The on-line help should cover anything else not too obvious. Any more questions then feel free to mail me! Introduction ------------ This program started off solely as a lottery ticket checker as I am in over 50 syndicates! Following comments from other users it grew to keep track of unlimited tickets, the results of the lottery and even predict and analyse results! The main functions of LOTTO3A are as follows: 1. CHECK unlimited tickets in seconds (against any draw) and print out results. 2. ANALYSIS of selected past results giving relevant statistics and prediction of the most likely outcomes (using binomial distribution). 3. GRAPHICAL analysis of selected results (with or without bonus banls) and your tickets. 4. SOPHISTICATED ticket and results viewing with page-up, dn, home and end. Includes scroll bar "a la windows", diamond key swapping between results and tickets and easy use menus that are intuitive and lead you to related finctions. Everything is there somewhere. 5. Use of the Psion built in PRINT preview, set-up and printing facilities. 6. Powerful RANDOM number generator that can be used to do mock lottery draws, generate random lottery ticket numbers or even simulate other random events such as throwing a number of dice (the screen can be printed out simultaneously). 7. Unlimited lottery tickets can be stored, in any number of seperate files, with a full description. These tickets may be edited at any point in the future. Registration ------------ This program is shareware not freeware. If you do wish to keep the program you must register it. The unregistered version is limited to 10 tickets and only one ticket file. You are also limited to the graphs and predictions available. To register GO SWREG 9302 or send £15 UK sterling ($25 equivalent if sending foreign currency) and a stamped, self addressed envelope to: Patrick Bell, 6 Redgate Close, Torquay, Devon, TQ1 3UG, UK. PLEASE include your full name, Email Address (if available - for quicker response), program name, version and where obtained. I will then send you a code enabling unlimited tickets and the full prediction and graphing utilities. Registration also entitles you to full support and I will attempt to incorporate any changes or additions requested. Also by the same author: -------------- DATAIMP: A very powerful data tool designed specifically for Videos, Music and Photography. Many more modules sooon to be available (requests welcomed!) Patrick Bell (Main email adddress) (Secondary email if the above is unobtainable)