Series3a Macros 1.1 (c) Psion GmbH 1994 --------------------------------------- LICENSING CONDITIONS All rights reserved. Psion accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the direct or indirect use of this program. The software remains the property of Psion GmbH. No fee may be charged for this product, without the express permission of Psion GmbH. Also, this product may not be used to distribute any product for which a fee is charged without the express permission of Psion GmbH. Psion GmbH Saalburgstraáe 157 D-61350 Bad Homburg Tel: +49 6172 9654-0 Hotline: +49 6172 9654-28 Fax: +49 6172 39192 Mailbox: +49 6172 37090 Cix: mhoelscher Internet: Compuserve: 71333,2070 This program was written by Graham Tappenden, January-March 1994 BACKGROUND This program is an extension of the Install program. Install (from the same Author) allows users to re-build their System Screen from a script file after a reset. The program expanded to allow futher options, so that applications could be installed from disk, as specified by their authors, without the user needing extensive knowledge of the Series3a file system. The whole system works on a process of Simulated Key Presses, where one process effectively inserts keys into the keyboard buffer of another process. The obvious question was, if we can do this with System, why not with other applications. How about being able to create macros for Word and Spreadsheet, for example. This program does just that. The following list gives the available commands, along with their syntax, and how to use them. FIXES FOR VERSION 1.1 The WAIT function now operates correctly, it it wait until the correct key is pressed. CTRLMENU and SHIFTMENU are now supported. Indenting is now allowed. INSTALLATION Installation requires the copying of two files: MACRO.APP and MACEDIT.ALS, both into the \APP\ directory of the internal disk, or onto an SSD. MACRO.APP is the program to call to run a macro. MACEDIT.ALS allows you to edit the macro files in plain-text format. NOTE: Script file from Install will NOT work with the macro program. COMMANDS: SELECTING YOUR APPLICATION APP appname This selects the application with this processname (without the extension). The first process found will be used, so if you have two copies of WORD open, then only one will receive the macro commands. For those who don't have a knowledge of the Series3a operating system, the following keywords apply: Application Keyword for Process Name ----------- ------------------------ Database DATA Word Processor WORD Agenda AGENDA Time TIME World WORLD Calculator CALC Spreadsheet SH3 Program Editor WORD NOTE: Due to the nature of the Series3a, you CANNOT use macros to control an OPL program. GOAPP If you wish to move to the current application, then use this command. Otherwise, you will see the Macro screen, and the commands will be sent to the application without you seeing the results. COMMANDS: CURSOR MOVEMENT HOME END LEFT RIGHT UP DOWN PAGEUP PAGEDOWN Each of these commands does just what it says. 'Left', for example, simulates pressing the Left Cursor Key. MARKUP MARKDOWN MARKLEFT MARKRIGHT These four commands act as if shift was held at the same time as pressing the respective cursor key. COMMANDS: ENTERING TEXT ENTER SHIFTENTER CTRLENTER Sends the ENTER, SHIFT+ENTER, and CONTROL+ENTER combinations. TAB SHIFTTAB CTRLTAB Sends the TAB, SHIFT+TAB, and CONTROL+TAB combinations. SPACE SHIFTSPACE CTRLSPACE Sends the SPACE, SHIFT+SPACE, and CONTROL+SPACE combinations. DEL SHIFTDEL Sends the DELETE and SHIFT+DELETE combinations. TEXT xxxxxx Sends xxxxxx as text to the selected application. DATE Sends the current date. TIME Sends the current time. COMMANDS: SPECIAL KEYS PSION key This sends the hotkey to the selected application. The key should be in the same format used by OPL, ie. lower-case for PSION, upper-case for PSION-SHIFT. HELPKEY HELPINDEX HELPKEY brings the help for the application. HELPINDEX brings the help index. MENUKEY This acts as if the menu key had been pressed. DIAMKEY This acts as if the diamond key had been pressed. COMMANDS: SOUND BEEP Using beep on its own, produces a 'beep'. BEEP time pitch With parameters, this produces a 'beep' as specified. time is measured in 1/32 seconds. The frequency of the beep is 512/(pitch+1) KHz. BEEP 5 300 produces a comfortably pitched beep. PLAY filename ticks volume This command instructs Install to play a Series3a sound file. The filename MUST be specified with the path and extension, although the drive may be omitted. The file is searched on all three of the Series3a drives. ticks is measured in 1/32 seconds. volume is a number between 0 and 5, with 0 being the loudest, 5 being the quietest. So to play one second of the file HAHN.WVE, located on drive A, at the loudest possible volume, you would use the command PLAY \WVE\HAHN.WVE 32 0 COMMANDS: DISPLAY COMMANDS ECHO OFF This stops the commands in the file being printed to the screen. ECHO ON This turns on the option disabled by ECHO OFF. ECHO text Displays the specified text to the screen. CLS Clears the screen where the Macro commands are displayed. SHOWPIC fiilename This command displays a .pic file on the screen. The pic file format is that used by OPL, NOT the spreadsheet format. The pic is shown including its grey plane. PAUSE length Pauses for a length of length/20 seconds. If this is given as a negative number, then the pause can be broken with a keypress. COMMANDS: ADVANCED FEATURES FOREGROUND Brings the Macro screen to the foreground. BACKGROUND Puts the Macro application into the background. LOOP Returns the script file to the first line. WAIT key Waits for the specified key to be press WITH THE CONTROL KEY, so if you enter WAIT z, then the Macro application will wait for CONTROL-Z. This key combination may be pressed in ANY application. So to set up a macro on a hotkey, do the following: APP appname GOAPP WAIT key ... ... LOOP This will then continuously wait for the key to be pressed, and start again each time. INTERNATIONAL USE Unlike Install, the Macro program does not need any knowledge of which language your Series3a runs in. In should, therefore, be able to run on all Series3a, although no guarantee is given that this is so. TECHNICAL SUPPORT If anyone has any problems with Macro 1.1, please get in touch. Please let us know which version of Macro you are running (eg. 1.1), and which version of Series3a you have (eg. 3.22F - Deutsch). Please also send us a copy of your macro command file, since this makes diagnosing problems easier.