Mecca V1.1 for the Psion 3a ============================ (C) Stephen B F Potts 1996 Mecca is designed for the Mobile Moslem who, finding himself in a strange city, wishes to know when is prayer time and which way to face for Mecca. It runs on the Psion 3a. The display shows two screens. The first shows the local prayer times. Use of the left and right arrows allows you to select which map to see for the correct prayer time. The map consists of three arrows. The central arrow always points straight up the screen. Hold the computer in front of you and turn yourself round till the sun arrow points at the sun or the North Arrow points North. It shows True North not Magnetic North. When you have the arrows lined up with the sun or North then you are facing Mecca. The program will read details of where you are from the Home City as set in the World section of the Psion 3a. It also reads the date and time from the files set in the machine. If you wish to find the prayer time from an alternative location then set the Home City to that location. Installation and Use -------------------- To install the software the program fie MECCA.OPO needs to be installed in the OPO directory on any drive. The data file MECCA.DAT must be installed on the M:\OPO directory. Without this file the program will not run. The program is run from the RunOPL option on the system screen. The first screen offers the choice of Register, Continue or Exit. Later I hope you will register but for now press C for Continue. A nag screen will appear suggesting that you register. The time this is on the screen gets longer for every day that you do not register. The next screen shows the local prayer times and use of the left and right arrows will select the appropriate map or Exit. Distribution ------------ Mecca is distributed for you to try and use for a limited period of time. If it is of use please register as soon as possible. To register send your name and either œ10 or US$15 to: Stephen B F Potts, Continental School, PO Box 6453, Jeddah 21442, Saudi Arabia In return you will receive a registration number which will remove the nag screen and encourage me to think of other useful programs. Any comments or suggestions for further developments should be sent to me at the same address. Standard Disclaimer ------------------- This document and the program referred to within it are supplied on the basis that the program operates substantially as described. However I, Stephen B F Potts, the programmer, shall not be liable in any circumstances whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss or damage suffered by any person as a consequence of any fault to defect in any goods or serviced supplied by me and in no circumstances shall I be liable for consequential damage or loss arising from the use of such goods or services.