Medmate 1.43 (formerly known as toolkit) This program can be used on Psion 3a/c. To install put medsw.opa \app directory jbsort.img \app drug.odb \opd patients.odb \opd medmate.rsc \opd Then install from the system screen. Improvements 1. Simple patient management using the built in database app 2. Quick display of current inpatients by pressing Tab 3. Easy adjustment of infusions. 4. Display of inpatient stats. Number average age and average length of stay for those managers amongst you. The program is mainly dialog run so you cannot always access the menu or the various hotkeys. However to get around this you can press "esc" and this will take you back to the main screen. For details on the various functions read the help file. I take no responsibilty or liability for any clinical judgements based on the use of this program. Use at your own risk. This program is shareware please register if you like it. It will encourage me to write more. To register send £15 or equivalent to Dr D. Henshaw, Whittington Hospital, Highgate Hill, Archway, London or else email below. David Henshaw 1/98 User defined infusions Up to nine infusions can be displayed. This is due to height of the Psion screen. I have included fictitious drug infusions to demonstrate the facility. Most hospitals have their own infusion policies and I would suggest you adapt these for use in this module. To enter a new infusion you will need to open up the drugs.odb by pressing Psion-Y. Once open you will be presented with the database format to add, delete or edit. Fields Drug: Enter drug name Amount: Enter the amount in mg that will be added to the standard infusion bag Solvol: Enter the volume of solute that will be in the standard solution. Solute: Enter the name of the solute eg 5% dextrose Lowval: Enter the lowest infusion rate in mcg/kg/min or mcg/min Highval: Enter the highest infusion rate Recval: Enter the recommended starting infusion rate Type: Enter "n" if the infusion is the type to be worked out in mcg/kg/min Enter "w"if the infusion is the type that is infused in mcg/min. Weight not included in the calculation. Text can be added for additional information. Enter "" if you just want text to tell you how to run the infusion. You only need to enter the text field in this mode. Text: Enter any text you wished to be displayed (255 character limit). Once you have entered the fields close down drugs.odb and then continue to use medmate. version 1.42 Crash on opening!! bug fixed version 1.41 "exit 66" bugged fixed version 1.3 Improvements 1. Better user interface 2. Help on accessing help button 3. Infusions which are user definabl