Megg v2.06 INSTALLATION ------------ - Copy *.opa & *.ovl into \app directory - Copy all other files into \megg directory - exclude this file. - install application from the system screen use [PSION]+[I] select "megg.opa" INTRODUCTION ============ This software is a Virtual Pet for PSION Series 3a/3c or Siena. [Menu] to select menu functions. [PSION]+[X] to exit this software. TIPS ==== - feed the creatures when it just born. - feed the creatures full, when you want to switch it to background. - don't feed the creatures, when it is full of stomach, otherwise it will sick. - don't feed too many candy to the creatures, otherwise it will sick. - occasionally, it will rain, snow, or sunny. It need put on something, otherwise it will sick. - if you want the creature grow more raidly, make it happy and full of stomach. - from age 1 to 3, it just need to feed, it will happy. - elder than age 3, it need play game for happiness. - if the creature got more elder it will be more easily get sick, be careful. Other information please check it own web page. -- Onflo Computer Co. Ltd. E-Mail Address : Date : 13 July 1998 -- Registration :- --------------- Cost : USD 20 (handling charges excluded) Post to us with your serial no. Electronic method, please check from our web page,