Montana Patience V1.0 for the Psion Series 3 ============================================ Installation ------------ This application may be easily installed like other Series 3 applications. 1 Copy MONTANA.APP, MONGRAPH.LIB, MONTANA.HLP and MCARDS.PIC to an \APP directory on one of your Series 3 drives.You may omit MONTANA.HLP if you do not require on-line help. 2 Press the System button, select the icon before which you would like Conversions installed and then hold down the Psion button and press I to reach the installation dialog. 3 Using the left and right cursor keys on the File: Name/Drive entries, locate MONTANA.APP and press Enter. Quick Summary ------------- All cards are dealt face up in a 13x4 formation and the aces removed. By moving cards into the holes left, try and arrange the cards from 2-K from left to right in each suit. You may only move a card into a hole if the card to the left is one lower in the same suit (e.g. 10S next to the 9S). A two can be moved into any gap on the left hand side and no card can be You have two chances to re-deal all of the available cards (i.e. those not forming a suit sequence starting from 2 on the left hand side). These cards are gathered, shuffled then delt and the aces removed. Each card is worth its face value (2-10) with J=11, Q=12 and K=13. You only score with cards which have been arranged correctly. A bonus may be awarded on finishing the game making the maximum score possible 400 points. Use the cursor keys to highlight the card you wish to move. Press the spacebar or enter key to try and move it. Psion+D re-deals any free cards (up to 2 times). There's lots more in the help file... Registration ============ Montana is supplied to you as try-before-you-buy shareware. If, after a reasonable period like 21 days, you would be unwilling to lose Montana, you should pay the purchase price. We will send you a fine registration certificate to prove you've done the decent thing! If you don't pay, nothing bad will happen, but your conscience will nag just the same as leaving a store without paying for your shopping. 'Shareware' is just a distribution method, like 'Retail', but with the advantage that you'll never waste money on software you don't need. How to pay ---------- To pay for Montana, do one of the following. £ refers to pounds sterling, $ refers to US dollars. Credit card ----------- We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. We charge £6 to the card and you eventually pay your local equivalent, without either of us going through the expensive business of currency exchange. You need to send us your card number and expiry date together with your name and the address your card statements are sent to. You can write, fax or e-mail these details - see the 'address' section below for destinations. Cheque ------ Please send either a sterling cheque drawn on a UK bank for £6 or cheque for $12 drawn on a US bank. Eurocheques are also acceptable. Cash ---- We don't recommend sending cash but sometimes it's the only answer. If you want to take the risk of losing it, send £5 or $10 in paper money. Addresses --------- We obviously need your postal address; electronic addresses are also most welcome. We don't send junk mail or sell address lists but we will keep your details on our computer and perhaps even tell you should a new release occur (particularly if you supply an e-mail address). We may be contacted at any of the following addresses. >>> Postal SP Services PO Box 456 Southampton SO9 7XG United Kingdom >>> CompuServe Mail 100016,1625 Note that we do not follow any particular forum closely. >>> Internet Mail CIX subscribers can also get support in the sps/convert conference. >>> Fax machine 0703 322416 (that's +44 703 322416 internationally). >>> Answering Machine 0703 550037 (+44 703 550037) The answering machine is cleared regularly. Note that there is no staffed voice line available. Terms & Conditions ------------------ (c) 1993, Ian Heath - All Rights Reserved You agree to pay for this software if you continue to use it for a reasonable evaluation period not exceeding 1 calender month. This package is provided 'as-is' and no warranty is associated with it beyond your statutory rights. In particular, the fact that this is a computer program written by humans means that there are bugs in it, some of which might result in inaccurate results, system failure or data loss. Use of the package indicates your acceptance of these Terms & Conditions and your willingness to accept sole responsibility for any problems resulting from using it.