Moon98 is an agenda file created on the Psion Siena (so maybe it want work on older/other Psion models). This agenda file contains the moon phases for 1998. The moon phases are entered as day entries with a time. The end time equals to the start time (no duration). Abbreviations used: N New FQ First Quarter F Full LQ Last Quarter E Eclips Ar Aries Ta Taurus Ge Gemini Cn Cancer Le Leo Vi Virgo Li Libra Sc Scorpio Sa Sagittarius Ca Capricorn Aq Aquarius Pi Pisces For example "N Moon Pi E" means "New moon in pisces with eclips". Note that an eclips at new moon is a solar eclips and that an eclips at full moon is a moon eclips. The eclips maybe partial and not everywhere visible. Note also that it is possible to merge this agenda file with one of more of your existing agenda files. Moon98 may be distributed freely as long as this text file is included. Comments, suggestions and so on can be sent to Moon98 can be found at At this page you can also find an shareware astrology program for the Psion Siena, called AstroAid.