MCALC.OPA 1647 bytes 11/2/97 Yet another ridiculously simple OPL program. When I recently moved house l found there were THOUSANDS of different mortgage offers around. Discounts, Fixed Rates, Cashback, combined cashback and discount etc. There were so many different scenarios available to us. I wrote this program to help compare different offers without having to make an appointment, just to get the quotes. You fill in the details for the loan and it calculates the monthly payments (assuming it's an interest only loan). Up to 10 scenarios can be displayed and compared at once Installation Copy MCALC.OPA to an APP directory, then install onto the system screen with - Operation is very simple Menu - To get the mortgage details dialog Psion - x - to close Help - for help MCALC is copywright D W P Brown and is freeware. It was originally written for personal use. I hope you also find it useful. It is provided as is. No support is provided and no liability accepted for lost data, damage etc. However, if you have any suggestions for improvements or bug reports please drop me a line. ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR DATA BEFORE TRYING A NEW PROGRAM. Any comments or suggestions to or